Evanix Viper .30 caliber PCP Pistol by Evanix (Review Video)

More display of continuous ignorance.

My Huben is at 70 FPE and I don't even fill to the max capacity nor completely powered it up others have it up in the 80s and 90s FPE, that is over double then the Viper .30 lobbying those .30 cal pellets,.....just because the pellet caliber is nominally bigger means absolutely nothing, zero.

And yeah the Huben is way slimmer and lighter, doesn't look like a brick,....not to be forgotten the grip is way closer to the bore and that is HUGE on a pistol not being top heavy.
Bro i believe Nate is too far gone in Evanix fantasy land. It's plain and simple math and the proof is in the pudding or the ballistic gel i should say. The Huben is so so above on every level in comparison. When a company throws free stuff your way i guess it effects a persons ability to see the truth AND tell the truth. Its ashame its so hard to get some honest reviews because here in Missouri its near impossible to handle these guns before ya buy them. I joined this forum years ago to get honest opinion and feedback. Dont disrespect the lot of us by putting up nonsense on a gun that is plainly struggling to keep up with the no# 1 GK1

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And these YouTubers who keep peddling air guns as self defense really needs to stop
To be fair.. that is on Evanix. They themselves promoted the Viper as a self-defense or "deterrent" gun. Reviewers are parroting that.

But yeah, Im kinda tired of biased reviews. It's rare to see honest and balanced breaksdowns nowadays. No airgun is perfect, and their flaws should be highlighted. If not, it just screams "im getting paid to say this".
The Viper .30 caliber PCP sounds pretty intriguing! I had a similar experience with my pit viper 9mm. I was on the lookout for a new piece and ended up getting the pit viper because of its solid performance and feel. The review videos helped me a lot in making that decision. If the .30 caliber PCP is anything like my pit viper, it should be a great choice.
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The Viper .30 caliber PCP pistol sounds pretty intriguing! I had a similar experience with my viper. I was on the lookout for a new piece and ended up getting the pit viper because of its solid performance and feel. The review videos helped me a lot in making that decision. If the .30 caliber PCP is anything like my pit viper, it should be a great choice. Watching reviews and checking out feedback can really help in figuring out if a new gun will fit your needs.
Holy crap. You bought a $7500 pistol? Nice! I'm planning to drop up to $40,000 on a NFA machine gun in the next couple years. Why not right?
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