Evanix Viper .30 caliber PCP Pistol by Evanix (Review Video)

A GK1 .25 at 890 fps is 45 foot pounds...but I wonder which does more damage. The Viper X alot will shorter than a Huben. I'll try to test them against each other when I get a .25 Huben.
More display of continuous ignorance.

My Huben is at 70 FPE and I don't even fill to the max capacity nor completely powered it up others have it up in the 80s and 90s FPE, that is over double then the Viper .30 lobbying those .30 cal pellets,.....just because the pellet caliber is nominally bigger means absolutely nothing, zero.

And yeah the Huben is way slimmer and lighter, doesn't look like a brick,....not to be forgotten the grip is way closer to the bore and that is HUGE on a pistol not being top heavy.
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Evanix requested that I say that.
Umm Kay.
So you are saying Evanix sends you a free Gun and you do the lip sync for them.
And you also mentioned that you had 3 days to do so. Correct?
Never paid any attention to you and that just shows why I didn't.
Your bought and paid for by Evanix to push a sub par product.
C'mon guys @kaylaindy not only runs a business doing this stuff but also has his own opinions & personality, and he provides early looks at new products that we wouldn't get otherwise.

Are you smart enough to read between the lines, or not? That's on you. Yeah it's a little bit hype but that's to be expected.

The ones that concern me at the macabespeeds out there treating these things like firearms and acting like total freakin retards doing so with no discipline and breaking the guns half the time.

I don't know why anyone has it out for @kaylaindy . You know his content, you know his style... if you don't like it move along.

I for one love the guy because I enjoy the content, and he also sold me a Gauntlet 30 before it was released to public for a fair price. And it's my favorite rifle to this day. Straight shooter who sometimes get the FPE off by a few #'s here or there. Do your own research of course!

And by the way a 30 FPE semi auto .30 cal will "do the job" in the right hands. Imagine if you shot a target at semi-auto speed with a .22 or .25 caliber magnum springer. Would you say that's totally ineffective? As a last resort? We all know the truth here. This isn't a dicksizing contest with Huben. And yes a 30 caliber bullet will do a bigger wound cavity. At half the FPE is it more effective? No. But it will put a hurt on the target without a doubt. Better than Huben? No. Better than anything else that fits in your pocket.... just might be depending where you live and what is available to you. If that's the case I think you would be *very* happy to own one of these instead of nothing at all.
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I only brought up what HE said in posts here.
That is MY way of looking at it and I stand by my post.
He may be the greatest guy out there. I don't know that for a fact since I have never had contact with him.
Me? I did testing for DAR before the DAR 1 was released. You never saw me post things saying "You have to say this or that".
They didn't like what I did say to them and dropped me. Then you all got more junk from them.
So crying a river over hurting his feelings don't mean a thing to me.
I could tell you more stories over the DAR then you could think of. And guess what? Stroking their Ego would not have mattered.
It's about Money that they can get from you! And people that con you because they get free stuff and "Likes"?
Bottom Feeders in my eyes.
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I only brought up what HE said in posts here.
That is MY way of looking at it and I stand by my post.
He may be the greatest guy out there. I don't know that for a fact since I have never had contact with him.
Me? I did testing for DAR before the DAR 1 was released. You never saw me post things saying "You have to say this or that".
They didn't like what I did say to them and dropped me. Then you all got more junk from them.
So crying a river over hurting his feelings don't mean a thing to me.

I'm not crying bro and I like you too.

Just saying you gotta take everything in context and he's a good member of the airgun community if you take it that way. Plus as stated he's making some money doing this, which I wish I was able to do, and I'd be shilling a little bit too! There is "shilling" and there is "fluffing a little bit". All this videos are fluffing a little bit. Just take that into context when you make decisions as a man responsible for your own. Otherwise, would you like to see nothing at all about the product?
I made an early snarky comment on this thread I now regret. I think the pile on is unnecessary. I like the dude’s videos. In fact when I was first getting into airguns, his videos taught me a lot.

It’s obvious Evanix wants to compete with Huben. That’s an ambitious and unrealistic aspiration. But it doesn’t mean the .30 cal Viper doesn’t have its own merits and uses.
That Gun? And my past with Hatsan Guns? I don't need, and NEVER watch pushers of products.
I have ALWAYS found the best information from actual users. Not paid promoters. I don't watch ANY one that does that.
They are paid, even if it's free guns, to get YOUR money!
How many adds in the classifieds where they sell them?
So if they say they ain't getting paid? Liars!
I only brought up what HE said in posts here.
That is MY way of looking at it and I stand by my post.
He may be the greatest guy out there. I don't know that for a fact since I have never had contact with him.
Me? I did testing for DAR before the DAR 1 was released. You never saw me post things saying "You have to say this or that".
They didn't like what I did say to them and dropped me. Then you all got more junk from them.
So crying a river over hurting his feelings don't mean a thing to me.
I could tell you more stories over the DAR then you could think of. And guess what? Stroking their Ego would not have mattered.
It's about Money that they can get from you! And people that con you because they get free stuff and "Likes"?
Bottom Feeders in my eyes.

My bad I didn't really process the DAR stuff before responding to the other. Do you have a channel or URL? I would gladly watch your airgun content especially if it's unbiased and you aren't pressured to say anything. Believe me I have a lot of airgun channels on my watch list that are just cool dudes doing it for the love of it and no other reason.

To say Klandy is a bottom feeder to me comes a little harsh. Idk. He's an honest seller here on the marketplace, his videos show you what the guns can do. He's making a profit doing what many of us would love to do. I think part of it is his personality is always bullish on new things, so that's where you have to do your own due diligence and read between the lines.
That Gun? And my past with Hatsan Guns? I don't need, and NEVER watch pushers of products.
I have ALWAYS found the best information from actual users. Not paid promoters. I don't watch ANY one that does that.
They are paid, even if it's free guns, to get YOUR money!
How many adds in the classifieds where they sell them?
So if they say they ain't getting paid? Liars!

Yeah but dude I literally bought a Guantlet 30 from @kaylaindy , the same one he tested in the video. I paid like $100 more than it went on sale for. But I bought it 2 months before anyone else could get it.

Am I butt hurt? Absolutely not. It was a beautiful opportunity and I have that gun sitting next to me right now all tricked out and loving it.

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Do you have a channel or URL?
See. There you go with the channel/URL stuff.
I don't do that. I post in forums like this and aside from DAR? Have NEVER been given anything free.
All my contacts with DAR at that time were strictly between them and me.
Personally? I don't want stalkers! I have enuff of those from a totally different hobby!
I'm not one of those. Evanix requested that I say that. We don't use airguns for self defense in the USA. Even talking about that can get you kicked off AGN. If I pushed airguns as SD on my channel I would be fired. That's Macabespeed your thinking of...
@kaylaindy Nate I've never been one to watch more than two or three of your videos. I generally don't follow your AGN threads, and I could care less about this Evanix pistol, BUT if someone at Evanix really requested that you promote this air pistol as stated in your above quote I respect your position. If that's a reflection on how you genuinely feel, I hope that you continue to stand on your position. Even if it's a business decision, it is a smart decision and I personally believe that it is good for airgun sports.
See. There you go with the channel/URL stuff.
I don't do that. I post in forums like this and aside from DAR? Have NEVER been given anything free.
All my contacts with DAR at that time were strictly between them and me.
Personally? I don't want stalkers! I have enuff of those from a totally different hobby!

ok I don't know the backstory on your biz and situation. Just asking. Yeah man I feel you there's a reason I'm not doing Youtube stuff or whatever as well.

But same time those who do I can appreciate they are putting themselves out there and hopefully in some cases providing for the fam as well.

Hey, if I lose my career for some reason, you might see me as the #1 most prolific airgun survivalist on Youtube with hondo-thousands subscribers due to my antics. Am I gonna cry for you then? Haha hope! I'll be sitting on a beach airgun fishing with the new Umarex bow-fisher, video taping every moment and finding some young bikini girl to come along and agree to be the thumbnail for my video.
I’m just a lil sad no one has a use for .30 in 30fpe. I do and it works fine for boping squirrel in the back yard at 25-30 yds. Huge arc of the pellet helps keep the distance down. There isn’t a loud whap from the .22 at 30 fpe.
I shoot a lot at 30 fpe with my 30 and a semi auto carbine would be neat. However it’s not a gun I’m after.
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I’m just a lil sad no one has a use for .30 in 30fpe. I do and it works fine for boping squirrel in the back yard at 25-30 yds. Huge arc of the pellet helps keep the distance down. There isn’t a loud whap from the .22 at 30 fpe.
I shoot a lot at 30 fpe with my 30 and a semi auto carbine would be neat. However it’s not a gun I’m after.
Are they even available yet? There isn't always a large advantage of using .30 over .25 caliber. Plus you tend to get more .25 cal ammo for the same price as .30 (300 vs 150 pellets per tin).
Are they even available yet? There isn't always a large advantage of using .30 over .25 caliber. Plus you tend to get more .25 cal ammo for the same price as .30 (300 vs 150 pellets per tin).
Don’t know and wouldn’t buy one any way. I just said my experience with the .30. Punches a big hole on a small critter. Makes for dead. I have a . 25 that I run at 30 fpe too. Works fine. But the .30 has more brick meet face effect. If I was to buy a pistol like this it would be the huben. Overall checks more boxes.
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