Visit to the Air Arms factory (and a teaser for something new)

"StormSunny"Why AA folks do not perform any experiments to make the guns better? So they wait for you Matt?
They have a totally different mindset over there (UK). If the gun is accurate out to 25 meters and gives you 60 shots at 12 ft.lbs, they are happy. And the problem is that the locals in the UK, when asked by AA whether shot count was an issue, just said "not at all mate". So AA assumed that everyone around the world thinks the same, and decided that the regulator wasn't necessary.

I had to convince them that people think very differently in other countries with no power restrictions. We shoot further, and we require more shots/fill because our guns are hungrier!

Daystate seems to have departed from that mindset a few years ago. Hopefully we can see the same happen with all the other UK manufacturers.
Thank you for the video Matt, enjoyed it and I think it hit all the right notes. Looking forward to the new product with excitement, and you rekindled interest in my S410 that I had apart for the last couple of years when I last played around with the Altaros regulator. I found it to be an easy gun to tune and of high quality. However, I agree that the shot count could be dramatically improved without any major design modifications just by adding a regulator and varying the hammer weight or hammer spring (or both) and lowering the velocity to around 820 fps. A weaker hammer spring/hammer weight leads to less bounce, thus less wasted air. I am also surprised that AA has not reached for such low-hanging fruits in the past, and I am glad that you seemed to had success convincing them to open their horizons a little farther. Let's see what AA's next product will be at the SHOT Show!

Matt great video! That would be an awesome experience for sure. I started shooting airguns as a kid and then got more into firearms as I got closer to being an adult. I never completely left shooting an airgun and when I got a chance to shoot a couple pcp rifles a couple years ago I was hooked. I found your channel and started watching it and enjoyed every video you had. You were the one that made me lust after an Air Arms rifle from watching your videos and when it came time to put some money down on a higher end pcp I grabbed the S510 fac. I love my S510 and the only thing I wanted to change and did was the fact it wasnt regulated. Mine is now regulated and I love it even more. It will be exciting to see what they bring out and I am sure whatever it is it will perform as expected.