Vote - Ugliest Airgun

I think the Morph qualifies for this thread too.


I used to think the Bulldog was the most hideous airgun even then Hatsan said, hold my beer, I’ll show you what an ugly airgun can look like. The Pulsar looks like something you’d use to steer a ship with. And I don’t know where to start with the Evenix Rainstorm 3D. But can anyone tell me what this contraption is? This looks like something that got rejected from the Star Wars prop department. 


I think the Umerex Hellfire should at least get honorable mention though


that hellfire kind of looks like it was made as a trainer for a kriss vector
This is probly the ugliest airgun I have especially with the custom scope mounts and all but that Evanix is not to far behind it!

yes but is it accurate?

The custom scope mounts helped in that department allot. I could hit the broad side of a barn most shots from as far as three feet. Soo.. it was almost accurate anyway