Vulcan 3 700mm

I have one in wood an .30 Cal and another 500 in .177.

There is now the sinthetic option:

I have a Vulcan 2 and a Uragans in sinthetic and works well that stock, better for hunting !
How do you like you 500mm 177? And does it shoot slugs alright?
Amazingly well !!!
Would you mind sharing your settings on the gun in terms of projectile, weight, speed and an average shot count? Currently I have a F x impact mark two suited up to a mark three in1 7 7 and and i'm debating getting either a vulcan 500mm in .177 or a vulcan 3 .25. I thought about the wildcat, but the lack of picatini rail on bottom is almost a no go for me.
Would you mind sharing your settings on the gun in terms of projectile, weight, speed and an average shot count? Currently I have a F x impact mark two suited up to a mark three in1 7 7 and and i'm debating getting either a vulcan 500mm in .177 or a vulcan 3 .25. I thought about the wildcat, but the lack of picatini rail on bottom is almost a no go for me.
Of course I will.
Would you mind sharing your settings on the gun in terms of projectile, weight, speed and an average shot count? Currently I have a F x impact mark two suited up to a mark three in1 7 7 and and i'm debating getting either a vulcan 500mm in .177 or a vulcan 3 .25. I thought about the wildcat, but the lack of picatini rail on bottom is almost a no go for me.
Vulcan 3 .177

Shots per fill: I suppose about 300

This are the slugs my rifle shoots like a champ:


I will measure fps and will tell you.
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Yes, and that's pushing an 8.44gr pellet at 1100fps so like about 23fpe with a 13.43 gr pellet. But you're getting 100 shots less. Which tells you, you're like slinging those pretty good.
I have not measure how many shots I get. That is why I said: "I suppose".

I shot and re-fill the rifle when comes lower than 230 bar. Then I re-fill to 280 bar ( 4,000 psi)
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