Vulcan 3 High Power..

Since couple of months AGN ships all Vulcans with new magazines.. First only in .22 and now also .25 and .30
The difference - new magazines can hold one more projectile and longer projectiles

Here are pictures:

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View attachment 495492
that's good news, thank you.
strange that they do not advertise that.
so far you are the first (of the vendors) that knew about it.
Since couple of months AGN ships all Vulcans with new magazines.. First only in .22 and now also .25 and .30
The difference - new magazines can hold one more projectile and longer projectiles

Here are pictures:

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View attachment 495492
Mine is a HP and on August ninth I asked about them and they replied they have them on stock. I remember not seeing them on their website though. I suppose they were a new batch. I definitely have the old magazines, lucky Me! So at least the supposedly first HP rifles are / were delivered with old magazines.
Mine is a HP and on August ninth I asked about them and they replied they have them on stock. I remember not seeing them on their website though. I suppose they were a new batch. I definitely have the old magazines, lucky Me! So at least the supposedly first HP rifles are / were delivered with old magazines.
sorry for you.
my order of a HP is in the shipping process, when i asked the vendor about the mags, the response was that it fits about 10.5mm projectiles, that was a few days ago. can only hope that i will get the new mags with it.
Mine is a HP and on August ninth I asked about them and they replied they have them on stock. I remember not seeing them on their website though. I suppose they were a new batch. I definitely have the old magazines, lucky Me! So at least the supposedly first HP rifles are / were delivered with old magazines.
Yes.. I said the last ones comes with new magazine..
It's not very hard to make a magazine holding larger projectiles ;) I have a 3d file just for the cover (and i can send it to any interested) or if you have lathe you can make the cover holding larger slugs easy.



Well let Me advertise for them... I admit AGT has a lot going on for them. Vulcan 3 is built like a tank.

Now the sad part: Pistol grip is made for children.

You're forced to buy a real rifle case to carry yours around scoped. An identical to FX costs 100 euros. Put that on top of the rifle price!

There's nothing reasonable to actually attach bipod on to. Some six inches of picatinny rail placed on the middle of the rifle. I mean come on! I had to make my own and while I admit it's far from factory quality, it's still a lot more than what most people have the chance to make in their home.

The barrel of choice is said to be super accurate and I really hope it to be true. What I don't see is why have they gone with oversize barrel when right size slugs are unobtainium? AVS has done some testing but everyone realizes how expensive it would be to have them imported to Scandinavia. Then there are Altaros semi boat tail and they won't take velocity.

There's an opinion for You!
They are good guns.
Here are a few of my frustrations with my Vulcan 3 .30 700mm non-HP
  • Just know that AGT likes to use non standard threads for their tanks and moderator threads.
  • They also like to use non standard bit patterns on some of the internal bolt heads.
  • They are not easily adjustable and will require degassing, tank removal and pulling the plenum to adjust the regulator, and unless you have a reg tester, you are just making a wild guess as to how much you changed the reg.
  • The magazines do max out around 10.5 mm or .413 inch. which is super annoying as this won't even accommodate light weight FX Hybrids in .30 cal. Also the gun seems to prefer heavier slugs which means single loading unless you alter the mags or buy new mags. I can usually get up to mid 60 grain slugs to feed in the mags just for reference.
  • No Foster fitting for refilling.
  • The pressure gauge could have been a little larger and easier to read.
That being said, I do think AGT makes a really good gun for what they charge for them. You can buy two of them for what an FX impact will run. I bought mine from Krale which saves you a few hundred over the folks that import and sale them in the US.
I'm not sure about factory depinger. I decided to replace it with the AAO version, which is a straight through design. Even if the factory version may be superior in supressing noise, I wouldn't want air having to change direction twice. No one likes that.

The factory depinger is closed on the narrow end (facing regulator and bottle). Sure it would have been sweet to measure speeds. Maybe someone will chime in.
