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Vulcan 3 with some travel time


My 3 month old Vulcan 3 .22 500mm barrel has seen many air miles and finally is paying rewards. It left Florida in mid February of this year and landed in Oregon to its new owner a few days later. In mid March it left Oregon and arrived at its new home in Maine. Shortly after its arrival it developed a leak when I went to fill it to 250 bar from my great white. When I went to drain the line from the Vulcan air line from the tank it took the air I just added and much more with it before I removed the probe from the fill port. Several more attempts to fill it ended with same results. So a few days later it left Maine to TomBall, Tx for repair. It finally arrived back home yesterday April 8th and it seems to be in good order now. I have filled it a couple times with good results and I knew the Vulcan was a good shooter from the little time I spent with it before I attempted its first fill. I must state the former owner quickly shipped me a shipping label to the gentleman in Texas that repaired it. We actually spilt the shipping costs to and from Texas and the former owner said he would pay for the work if there were any costs to fix this 2 month old Pup. Remember the warrantee is only good to the first owner with the Vulcans so when buying an almost new airgun keep that in mind in the purchase price. I was fortunate to buy it from a great guy and at a good price.

The results of my early am shooting are pictured below. I am very satisfied with the results. I have the hammer spring backed off about a turn from where it was when I received it. It is shooting JSB 15.89 between 920 and 930fps at about 30 ft/lbs of energy. I haven’t yet tried any other pellets and just ordered some slugs from NRA last night. Waiting for the rain to stop so that I can post a 100 Yard Target. I have a Leopold on the Vulcan 3 and it has a mildot reticle. At 75 yards I am using the 4th lower mildot which is the last one. To get 100 yards without messing with my other aim points I have to click the vertical reticle 10clicks up and use the black solid post top below the 4th reticle on the top of the4” Orange spot to hit somewhat near the center black. Probably not the best method to shoot 100 yards but I have the pup set up to shoot USARB 50 yard benchrest in the Open class.
