Walmart for YH compressor?

Seems like a weird place to buy one but it's the cheapest source for the Yong Heng compressor that I've seen at $276 shipped. Other sources are Amazon, eBay and Alliexpress. I've read people having good experience with Alliexpress but I'd rather not go through signing up for membership and calling my bank to assure they approve a foreign transaction, etc.

Any reason I shouldn't buy one from Walmart?
I bought mine from Walmart over BF weekend. Still waiting on my Acecare cylinder from aliexpress, but the YH compressor works fine. I'm just messing around with it to get a feel for it, but today I stuck two microbore hoses together with a gold filter and plugged the end. It went to 4700psi without about 3 minutes. This thread has a bunch of discussion about the YH compressor and people's thoughts about it:
I also have one of these for about a year and a half now, I use my often, well very often, my suggestion if you buy one, get the inline filter and and spare little rings (brown ones that comes as spare with the compressor) the rings are for the second stage, they will worn off in time. keep eye one temperature as they get hot, don't let it pass above 65c, if filling a large tank, take a good 15 min break till fill the tanks to the desire pressure, filling the rifles direct it's a breeze, they will fill the rifles in 2 heart beats, also change the oil regurlary, following these steps, it will last.
My 2c.

I received my Yong Heng compressor from (seller was ‘Comic Power’) for $276 shipped. 

I ordered the 110v model but received a 220v model. Not a deal breaker, my shop has several 250v outlets. 110v would have been convenient though....... decided against returning it cause I HAVE NO PATIENCE!

Anyway, I had to cut off the 220v plug and splice on a 250v end and it’s working like a champ! 

Appears to be assembled well, were no leaks or anything of that sort. And my oil didn’t “immediately turn black”. I don’t know what others have had going on, but I’ve read that numerous places. Perhaps they’re using the wrong oil......... I used air compressor oil. 

I havent had a ton of shooting time yet. But it will fill the small 213cc tank of my Air Force Escape from 0-3000psi in under a minute. And my larger TalonTunes Fiber tank from 2-3000psi at lightspeed. Whenever I get around to emptying the larger tank I’ll re-time it but I suspect mere minutes. 

Very pleased so far. Seems like a well made little unit. It doesn’t come across as “cheesy”, which I was worried about.

forgot to add, the gauge on the compressor and my Air Force tank gauge tracked identically the entire time. So either both gauges are trash. Or they’re both fine! I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the gauges being ridiculously off, well mine isn’t 
I ordered my Yong Heng compressor from Walmart and could not be happier. It’s a genuine YH rig and I got a gold filter all for 264.99 delivered to my door. The only down side, if you can call it that is I ordered a gold filter from AllieExpress, so I have two gold filters. (Such problem! LOL) At first I thought of putting the two filters in series to make the air super dry. The only problem with this is that it will increase the time for the compressor to fill the filters perhaps if I put in a non return foster fitting and keep the filters filled... what do you guys think?

I ordered my Yong Heng compressor from Walmart and could not be happier. It’s a genuine YH rig and I got a gold filter all for 264.99 delivered to my door. The only down side, if you can call it that is I ordered a gold filter from AllieExpress, so I have two gold filters. (Such problem! LOL) At first I thought of putting the two filters in series to make the air super dry. The only problem with this is that it will increase the time for the compressor to fill the filters perhaps if I put in a non return foster fitting and keep the filters filled... what do you guys think?


I would suggest you to sell one of the gold filters. One is already overkill because the majority of condensation is already captured by the first-stage water separator and the cotton inside the small filter at the outlet of the compressor. Had the more compact black filter be available earlier, I would have brought it instead of the big gold filter. 

Anyway, even with one gold filter, it will still take about 1.5 minutes to pressurise it from zero to 4500 psi. Charging my rifle takes about the same amount of time so I keep the filter pressurised by installing a one-way male connector at the filter inlet and a needle valve ( rated to 6000 psi ) + bleed valve at the outlet. I only learned recently that this is also a safer set up because if any of the connectors fails, the integrated check valve at the inlet will prevent the compressed air inside the filter to escape via that side. The needle valve at the outlet can be set to open just slightly during use so the rate of air escaping in that direction can be limited to avoid violent whipping of hoses connected to that end. 

With this set up it is possible to store the gold filter under full pressure so there will be zero waiting the next time it is used but my use of the compressed air inside the filter is to blow the cooling water left inside the compressor and the hoses.