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Accessories Walnut Rifle Maintenance & Display. Cradle - Added Taipan

Classified Status


Dec 28, 2015
Lawrenceburg, KY
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
I make every piece of these cradles. The wooden bolt is maple 1 1/4" threaded dowels. The cradle is highly adjustable; grip placement and butt support.

I've attached a picture I took this morning as I mounted a scope on my new Taipan Veteran 2 Standard in an oak cradle. I make these in Walnut, Oak, Red Cedar, and I'll be making one from Ambrosia Maple this week.

Whoops, forgot to provide price $125 including shipping. (Walnut is $25 more)

Oak Cradle with Taipan Rht.jpg

Oak Cradle Taipan Rear View.jpg
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