I've managed to get my hands on a Walther LG210 SSP. It's the best of both worlds when it comes to PCP v.s. springer. Because it's SSP, you'll never run out of air like with a springer, but have the advantages of a PCP when it comes to recoilless shooting. The rifle is in pristine condition, like it just got out of the factory. I'll be taking this baby out to the range coming Saturday to see how she shoots different pellet brands and head sizes.

The Walther LG210 is the last SSP that was produced by Walther. It's predecessors are the LG200, LG90, LGM2, and LGM1. The LG210 was eventually replaced by the Walther LG300, which, in it's turn, was followed up by the current LG400 match rifle. The LG210 where manufactured between 1998 and 2004. I can't to find serial number ranges of the LG210's manufacturing dates, but it looks like one of the earlier pre-200 models.
I've got a couple of 10-meter matches coming up in the next couple of months, competing against modern PCP match rifles. It's going to be interesting to see how this baby handles itself against those. It does bark like a dog, way more than my current match rifle, the Feinwerkbau 300S.

The Walther LG210 is the last SSP that was produced by Walther. It's predecessors are the LG200, LG90, LGM2, and LGM1. The LG210 was eventually replaced by the Walther LG300, which, in it's turn, was followed up by the current LG400 match rifle. The LG210 where manufactured between 1998 and 2004. I can't to find serial number ranges of the LG210's manufacturing dates, but it looks like one of the earlier pre-200 models.
I've got a couple of 10-meter matches coming up in the next couple of months, competing against modern PCP match rifles. It's going to be interesting to see how this baby handles itself against those. It does bark like a dog, way more than my current match rifle, the Feinwerkbau 300S.