N/A want a dedicated slug gun,would love some suggestions.

my impact m3 compact has been "alright"
when tuning for some slugs that showed promise,
and i have tried many many sizes/weights/tunes.

the h&n 28gn hp slug
(not the hp II version with the larger hollow point) have shot the best groups ive been able to obtain

and that was around 5/8"
but it would throw unexpected flyers for no reason.

i have been looking at the vulcan and uragan,
plus the cricket tactical 60 cf
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Vulcan 3 - 700 or Uragan 2 - 600 or 700.
Or both.
I’ve got an impact m3 and a panthera and the amount of work and tuning required to make my impact even begin to sling slugs close to the pantheras performance tells me to just shoot pellets with the impact and let the panthera shoot slugs like it’s DESIGNED to do. I can shoot whatever weight slug I want with just adjusting the power wheel on my panthera, the impact on the other hand is a fickle creature and needs a lot more adjusted. Your mileage may vary, but that’s my take. I’m eager to know what you had in mind when you posed the question.
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I understand your predicament. The biggest things I see that are overlooked because of the fantasy world we live in comes down to two things. One, Billy’s idea of a good slug shooter might not be yours. Second is when a guy prints a couple one inch groups at 100, he considers his gun a MOA gun. Because we can’t actually go shooting with each other and see how Bobs or Bills gun actually performs, it’s all hearsay to me. In your situation it all boils down to whose word do you trust. You’ve been on this forum long enough to have a pretty good idea I hope. I could recommend my slug guns but I won’t because not everyone has a machine shop. Personally, if the Uragans came with a pair of glasses that once I put them on the gun wouldn’t look like a mutt, I would try one. I don’t mind building a slug gun from an existing platform if the foundation has what I feel I need. If one day I just get tired of all the mysteries and riddles, as of right now I couldn’t ignore a Uragan. Possibly an Edgun R5 or Cricket. That’s it.
I’ll throw in another vote for the Uragan 2. My .25 cal 600 shoots 29 grain NSAs like a laser beam. Consistent hits (if I do my part properly) on golden mantle ground squirrels (slightly smaller than tree squirrels) out to 100 yards plus.

Not sure if they are protected everywhere, this is from Idaho. Bill and Addi.