It's statements like this that give LEO's a bad name.
More times then not, just the threat of charging an individual with criminal charges usually gains compliance. Just an LEO reminding the suspect that the cost of hiring an attorney would likely exceed the amount he is alleged to have stolen will rectify the situation.
Really this gives Leo's a bad name ? You want him or her to go threaten someone on a civil matter and say you better give it back or I'm (going to do nothing because its civil). Then they say go pound sand or do something aggressive and a use of force or deadly confrontation occurrs. Then the officer loses a job over a clearly civil matter. I think not
, amazing how many people think Leos can just go around threatening just to get someones property back for a civil dispute. That is what civil courts are for.
He may be defrauding many people, but make a report and eventually you will have the evidence to prove the fraud and he can get probation and a payment plan for restitution.
There are federal laws for fraud, yet I still get the Nigerian or other country's calling me everyday trying to scam money on blue dot or apple cards.
Not trying to make light of a bad situation, just saying not a lot can be done unless you you can prove the fraud. ie; multiple documented reports listing named suspect and pattern of fraud through reports made by multiple victims. One persons word against another in a business transaction does not constitute fraud without evidence to back it up. Gather your documentation, contact other victims from the forums and then call PD or SO and make your report.
Just my view, YMMV
Good luck to OP I despise thieves and scammers...