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Washington State Collared Dove Hunting

In Montana, the collared dove is invasive and can be shot year round, and that was all I needed too hear, not sure if I have to pay like you do but I dont really care because I do what I want on my land:) 
that was within 5 minutes time, I was starting the car to go to work and I really couldn’t help myself... 
An update on the nosy neighbor. I leave the doves where they drop. Usually a Hawk or something else come by and takes them for a meal. I looked out the back 15 acres and there is the neighbor with a drink in his hand looking down at a dove I shot earlier. I went out to visit and hope calm some waters. No such luck. He was totally drunk. I didn't know that when I first saw him. He started yelling loudly while including an expletive every other word. I didn't take kindly to being yelled at so I told him, "if you are going to keep yelling at me you better go home." He did! Haven't spoken to him since the incident and don't plan to. Should it happen again I will call law enforcement and have them criminal trespass him. (Subtlety that allows law enforcement to give him an official warning not to come on the property and if it happens the LEO has choice of citation or arrest). It's been a decent neighborly relationship for the last 25 years. Kind of sorry it ends this way.
"Even though it is not a game bird one still has to have a small game license. That’s $40 here."

Sounds a lot like the People's Republic of CA - even more regulations and taxes than invasive doves!

My Wa.State.small game license cost $8.80 (resident disabled) vet. My neighbors love all the bunnies running around the neighborhood but when I seen all the damage to my plants last winter somehow they got lead poison . Now that I got a wicked light the remaining FEW have short days ahead . By the way the lady next door asked me the other day have you seen any Bunnies around ? Not in my Yard !