Watch & Discuss the AirMaks Arms Katran Compact and More!!

Airgun Nation

Staff member
Aug 24, 2020
Colorado, United States
Many thanks to Utah Airguns, Hawke Optics, Sportsmatch Rings U.K., Donny FL, JSB/Predator International, H&N Sport, and Patchworm Bore Cleaners.

Also check out AGN & AEAC's Share n' Compare of the Tube vs Bottle Katran

And a full length (2 hour) AEAC vlog with co-host AGN 

On behalf of the entire airgun community… We appreciate you!

*Please note this is NOT the thread to submit your guess, follow this LINK to enter the giveaway.
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Great looking airgun. Any word on if barrels will be available separately allowing for customer swap? Also in regards to the flex issue in the stock it appears some sort of brace could be made to go from the tip of the bag rider back up to the stock to eliminate this issue. Looks like holes already exist that could be utilized for this.

Great video as always.

...the magazine does not look any better than the Caiman magazine, just larger...I find that hard to reload...

...I had one stick and jam up the rifle once...fired empty a few times too with ammo left in the magazine...

...I am sure it has to do with the weak spring but if the spring was much stiffer they would be even harder for old arthritic people, whom I would imagine are the target customers, to reload...

...that said I like how compact and sturdy the magazine for the Caiman is...does the Katran magazine have an aluminum body...???...
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