Water oil separator’s with Gxcs4 will this setup work

That's an interesting point - literally just a fill-whip's worth.

One other thing… My CS4 is doing a heck of a job keeping moisture and oil / residue out of the air going into the gun.

I have repeatedly been refilling a guppy tank at very high humidity with a medium sized cartridge type inline filter. What is surprising is that the filter/tampon at the inlet end of the device is not getting wet or showing any signs of oil residue or anything. I opened it up figuring it was time to replace something in there since I'm getting close to about six hours on the compressor but it's clean and dry. Maybe it's because I'm just topping off a 1.6 L guppy tank from 3500 back up to 4500 psi and not enough air / temp change is involved to cause condensation?

I'm just surprised and feel like I should just forget the cartridge and fill my gun directly off the CS4 since that takes a fraction of the time needed to fill the guppy and even less heat and air is involved.

At some point I'll have to check and see if there's any sign of moisture in the air cylinder of the gun I fill most often.

Crazy though - I thought I was going to be managing some significant amount of moisture
Is your humidity rate where your at close to 70’s range normally or are you at a lower rate? I ask bc you said yours is bad too. Thank you for your post definitely helps me learn from you guys.
No definitely not brother but I buy from auctions and got both them filters still sealed in box for 50$. For both so although you do definitely have me thinking but I was trying to accomplish same results for less but think you have a valid point at least I know his is already ready to go!

but I think it can be fully bought for 250 filter with sieve and fittings but your definitely right probably big difference in the safety of the devices with his bc the threads in one of these units shoot hold on I’ll show yall. Don’t look the best but yall tell me.

it’s got a good bit of threads but they do have dings and crap in them which makes me wonder how strong this thing actually is if it has chips of the threads here and there.

BigBuck, I'm no expert in these things, but I don't think using multiple air dryers is the solution. First, you start with the assumption that the desiccant doesn't begin working until 1,800 PSI, which I don't think is correct. So for me, adding additional dryers isn't the answer, it's rather keeping the desiccant fresh, where the amount of desiccant is sufficient to begin with. And then I see something about a pressure regulator which makes no sense to me, because it appears that you're not building towards a solution but building towards atrophy.

You said you're filling scuba tanks in a humid environment. So did you look to see what those who fill scuba tanks use? What do they use in Miami Beach? Because it's very hot and humid there where they fill lots of scuba tanks. And the setup you have going, I don't think they'd use that.

Also, I think modern airgun internals are made of rust-resistant alloys, so I don't think humidity is that big a problem, I think it's more a matter of having air of consistent humidity (density) to thereby achieve consistent accuracy. Of course I'm not going to fill my airguns with wet air, but I'm not going to be too concerned with trying to achieve bone-dry air either. So good luck with your project, I hope it works out for you.
Also, I think modern airgun internals are made of rust-resistant alloys, so I don't think humidity is that big a problem, I think it's more a matter of having air of consistent humidity (density) to thereby achieve consistent accuracy. Of course I'm not going to fill my airguns with wet air, but I'm not going to be too concerned with trying to achieve bone-dry air either. So good luck with your project, I hope it works out for you.
Sorry your wrong on that point. Picture to follow soon. Edit: This is a air tube steel, also scba bottles that have a aluminum bottle wrapped in fiberglass or what ever will pit over time. Sorry I forgot the terminology of the pitting just brain dead in my old age but someone will mention it. Keep the air as dry as possible like dive shop air.
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Kayaker, the word "pitting" works for me. Those photos show what I meant by rust-resistant, I didn't mean rust-proof. And what I said about humidity was from my point of view, my stuff doesn't look like that, I misspoke before about humidity. Thanks for the photos, I've decided to use a desiccator from now on.

What were you using as an air dryer? I've been using cotton tampons in a brass cylinder, I let the air out between use. And I've some old pump airguns, I put silicone grease and oil in them, they still work well after decades.
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Kayaker, the word "pitting" works for me. Those photos show what I meant by rust-resistant, I didn't mean rust-proof. And what I said about humidity was from my point of view, my stuff doesn't look like that, I misspoke before about humidity. Thanks for the photos, I've decided to use a desiccator from now on.

What were you using as an air dryer? I've been using cotton tampons in a brass cylinder, I let the air out between use. And I've some old pump airguns, I put silicone grease and oil in them, they still work well after decades.
For the moment Dive shop air
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I run one inline TUXING moisture filter "just in case" in my compressor setup. Probably don't need even this as here in California there is not much, if any, moisture in the air especially during the summer, kind of the same as in Texas. We get only one month of rain here when I don't shoot anyway, so no problem with moisture getting into my PCPs :). But I really dig @Bigbuckairgunner39's makeshift setup, duct tape is the way to go (y).
It will slow fill times but it should work 👍. I have read the same thing you speak of. For best filtration the air need to pressurize before it starts flowing into the gun. Otherwise the first bit of air will just rush past the media and not filter well. Please post up where you find this 2000 psi valve for the top. I’m interested in one as well.
Nuvair.com sir
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I run one inline TUXING moisture filter "just in case" in my compressor setup. Probably don't need even this as here in California there is not much, if any, moisture in the air especially during the summer, kind of the same as in Texas. We get only one month of rain here when I don't shoot anyway, so no problem with moisture getting into my PCPs :). But I really dig @Bigbuckairgunner39's makeshift setup, duct tape is the way to go (y).
Thanks buddy!:)
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