Can springers take this wax treatment?
While you were in did you ever hear of a product called "Strike Hold"?
I have a question. Should the barrel be removed from the action when waxing? Other wise will the wax end up in the TP?
Renaissance Wax, the best there is.
It has been used for many many years by top curators of irreplaceable collections in fine museums.
Have you ever looked at a gun that has been loved, lubed, put in a safe, and rusted anyway?
The process works something like this;
Almost all lubes whether petroleum or otherwize evaporate over time.
While the gun is "wet" it attracts fine dust.
Next, the lube evaporates leaving a fine layer of dust behind.
Finally the dust attracts moisture, = RUST!
Wax, on the other hand, once dry, REPELS dust, does not evaporate and never attracts moisture.
In the worst case, if you overdo it you would need a good wipedown before use. No harm, no foul!
I just ordered some Trewax Clear Floor Wax Paste. I'll give this a try. I have a great setup going that will be a good test. I used Krytec in the past and didn't see a benefit for all the extra trouble. I took a look at the Renaissance Wax, and I could be wrong, but it gave me the impression it may have some light grit to it for cleaning off old products ???
You can just give it a dry fire while the wax is still wet to clear the transfer port.