Wayyyyy different

Hi all. I’m working on getting my Gk1 .25 sighted in and I am having some issues. From anyone’s experience how different should one projectile be from one to the next in terms of accuracy. I had sighted in using JSB king exacts and it was spot on! I switched to another off brand (roughly the same weight) and the difference is like 3” at ~15 yards!!! I feel like that’s a LOT. Should I expect that much difference in different ammo? Me thinks no.
Hi all. I’m working on getting my Gk1 .25 sighted in and I am having some issues. From anyone’s experience how different should one projectile be from one to the next in terms of accuracy. I had sighted in using JSB king exacts and it was spot on! I switched to another off brand (roughly the same weight) and the difference is like 3” at ~15 yards!!! I feel like that’s a LOT. Should I expect that much difference in different ammo? Me thinks no.
Chrono, muzzle blast, projectile weight and friction. All play a part. Poi change is normal. Difference in accuracy is also normal. Have had 2 accurate projectiles with similar weight have different poi. Less difference when shooting from caldwell turret but that was also a different poi.
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Chrono, muzzle blast, projectile weight and friction. All play a part. Poi change is normal. Difference in accuracy is also normal. Have had 2 accurate projectiles with similar weight have different poi. Less difference when shooting from caldwell turret but that was also a different poi.
Thanks for your response! I guess I’ll keep on trying to figure out the most accurate poi between different pellets without having to resight with each new tin
Your target tells the truth. You can use all the charts,calculator , and programs you desire but as stated. Your target tells the truth and if you want the real truth you need to be shooting with some type of wind flag especially outdoors. The idea for the wind flags is .to allow you to fire your shots in the SAME conditions using the same point of aim.
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As long as it groups just adjust your optics after you pick whatever you like best.

I have a couple guns I shoot slugs and pellets out of, so in that case it's a little more important to choose ammo that has a similar POI. I do not enjoy messing with the scope to begin every shooting session. If I have to adjust for elevation, fine. Windage I'd prefer to leave alone.
Shooting brand "A" in 13 grain i was dead on, changed to brand "B" also 13 grain and i was like 2.5 foot off at 80 or so yards.
Zero for "B", fire off a couple more shots and some would be like a foot in a randon direction off the new zero.

For the love of god i can not get any H&N slug to fly right out of any of my rifles.

The sizing on those H&N slugs is tricky. You have to spend money to find out if your gun likes a .217, .218, or .219 ... or none of them at all.
I see some velocity change and thus elevation change with different weight projectiles but other than that there seems to be little predictable expectations for POI. Switching between pellets and slugs means a big adjustment on my guns. My Caiman X shoots decently with all the H&N slugs I've tried in it (21-30 grain, mostly 217 but 25s in 218 shoot same as 25s in 217) but 21 grain 217 seem best. Shooting groups on a 30 yard challenge target all the slugs would be on the little target in my sights but impact moved for elevation and windage some.