We Need an AGN Hall of Fame

Every now and then I come across exceptionally well put together threads that have great potential to teach us things some of us probably wouldn't even think about. They are even more impressive when they are well organized, articulated and presented cogently, and contain quality photos. Lately I've been seeing some high-quality threads from @Stubbers and I'd like to post some of those threads here. They are exceptional to me, although I am unqualified to validate his work because I have no context for some of it. Anyhow here are a few outstanding AGN Hall of Fame worthy threads by him

Thanks for the mention, lots more where that came from! Look forward to spreading more tidbits of airgun (primarily pcp) knowledge when I have both the time and desire to. I don't go out seeking recognition/attention (why I am reluctant to post sometimes), however I do thoroughly enjoy sharing my perspective and understanding of the underlying nature of pcp's. It's been a journey. We all learn and understand differently, and I try to express myself through a few different means to get a point across so multiple readers can grasp the concepts better. I wouldn't call myself a teacher, rather a passionate student that only wants whats best for both the community and industry, in hopes we continue paving new roads that provide us more access.

My next discussion will likely cover some hammer travel mechanics, and just how critical the travel distance impacts lock time, hammer energy, and the required force necessary to cock the gun.
