Webley repairs

Hello, Recently got a Webley senior and the spring makes a buzzing sound after if fires and think it needs to go in for a service. Does anyone know a good service place for Webley’s. The company I have used before does not service Webley & Scott airguns. I have a mark 1
which I love and is shooting wonderfully and would like to get the senior there also.
Unscrew the barrel pivot screw, remembering to remove the tiny keeper screw on the right side first…
Then lift out the barrel…using the front section of the barrel pivot to unscrew the mainspring plug …from the front end (never attempt to strip the gun from rear plug end)
With spring out, replace it with an OEM spring for Tempest or Premier.
Your spring is broken.
Thanks really appreciate the guidance when I have more time will definitely learn to do some repairs myself. Contacted David Slade and sending him the Senior. Already appreciate the build quality of the Senior and I’m sure seeing what makes it go is very impressive and could only imagine what it would cost to make it today.
Thanks really appreciate the guidance when I have more time will definitely learn to do some repairs myself. Contacted David Slade and sending him the Senior. Already appreciate the build quality of the Senior and I’m sure seeing what makes it go is very impressive and could only imagine what it would cost to make it today.
"Already appreciate the build quality of the Senior and I’m sure seeing what makes it go is very impressive and could only imagine what it would cost to make it today."

That statement is precisely what makes this pistol so significant. It`s designed with the mindset of making something that will give the consumer a product that will last forever. There was a time when most things were made that way, sadly though those days have long since passed. The 1940s and 1950s were what I feel the Golden age of manufacturing in the 20th century.