Beeman Webley Tempest repair/tune up

Good morning all,
I am looking for someone who does re-seal/tune ups on Webley Tempests. I have two of them and I believe one is in dire need of an overhaul. I have called Baker Airguns over in Ohio, but he doesn't service them. If anyone has some experience with a airgun smith that services Tempest please let me know
I just send an email to AirgunWerks, and he responded with in 10 minutes. He does repair and service Tempest's, so I will be sending him two this tomorrow
Just saw your request... I just did both of mine my shelf ...there are only 2 seals in the whole gun and they make a updated seal for the piston and my breech seal was still fact I had to sand it down for the new was changed to a .22 cal now and the other one I kept it a .177 but replaced with a barrel from a Hurricane model which was a little longer with the hooded front site cover...both new barrels took some time to fit them to each gun..they were not de-burred at all and required some filing at both ends ..I also replaced the end cover because they all crack in time...there are some tricks to do while you are in to make them super smooth and and to get rid of the spring noise while shooting them...I left the Triggers alone..they are now just breaking 400fps now which is very good for those guns...the new seal number is a T23....I have own them since new going on 45 years old now and this was there first re-seal job...when I brought the first Tempest in the box they offer you a super tune-up for $22.10...sent it right back to the Factory took 3 weeks...they put a 1000 rounds threw the barrel with a before and after target night and day compared to the stock one...This place still has most parts available still... here's the web site countrystore England...Hopes this helps you out in the future....Mark