Weihrauch HW100 Bullpup

What am I missing ?

Seems most/all YouTube reviewers seem to really like this gun. But...I see no love in using the "search" function here or other boards. Seem's no one has one, or if they do, they aren't talking. I've been thinking of getting one, and have been doing a fair amount of searching in various locations to see what others think.

YouTube, yes. Air gun boards, not so much.

What am I missing ?

I have 2 of them 177 and 22 both short "k" versions. Hadn't had much time to shoot either one of them. I think not too many folks would be interested in one due to low shot count compared to other bullpup brands in the $1400-$1500 price range. So far I really like how quiet they are and good they feel and compactness and very well balanced. Only disappointing thing is that I thought they were supposed to be only 23 inches TOTAL. True if you measure them without their silencers which cannot be easily removed. If you already have an HW100 or HW110 you will love the bullpup version. I didn't want the longer versions the barrels look REALLY REALLY LONG and the PERFECT longer UK version isn't available here nor can be ordered I already tried. Unless you got connections in the UK who could ship to the US. I'd like one of each of those regular sized ones too. YO!
I'm an HW fan too including most of their springers. Can't decide which scopes to permanently use yet but these deserve good glass IMHO. YO!
The 22 shorty is only rated at 20fpe. It would be a good short to medium range hunter with a little more oomph than my P-Rod and 22 Fortitude and more shots than my 22 HW44. I think the 177 is perfect at 17fpe and would be neater if it were 12fpe. I think it would be perfect ordered as an opposite side cocking gun so you keep your trigger finger grip stationary ready to shoot while the other hand cocks it. Perfect if I were a lefty. YO!
Love this gun! I was looking for a .177 that was left handed and around 12 fpe when it was first launched last year. I didn't care much for the looks, I'm a traditionalist if that's a word, but for some reason in person it looks so much better. Then I saw the Uragan compact and checked it out too. I went with the Weihrauch because they have been around for along time and I'm already familiar with their quality. Like all HWs it will give you dime to nickel size groups with just about any pellet at 30 yards. H&N Terminators, JSB 8.44s, H&N Baracuda Hunters, and H&N Hornets all shoot extremely well, but my bird feeders are at 40 and 45 yards and that's where the polymags shine. They consistently give the best groups past 40 yards. However they also pass thru starlings, even at 45 yards. I'm still experimenting with pellets, mainly heavier ones, as I found the CPUMs to shoot well from it.

When I bought it from AOA, it came with a free Weihrauch 3-9X40 scope and I used this combo to take 14 squirrels and 9 rabbits in a month's time. Longest one shot kill was on a rabbit at 72 yards. Not bad for 17 fpe .177! When squirrel hunting in open woods I use my .22 Regal XL, but when in the thick stuff, the BP-K is the right tool. I never had a problem with it getting hung up on brush. I bought an extra magazine so that when I'm done shooting all 3, I know it's time to fill her up again. For such a small reservoir, 42 shots is not bad and they can be swapped out in the field if you need more air.

Like YO, I prefer the BP version, but 40" is too long. I did consider ordering it from overseas as they have it with a choice of 2 barrel lengths. However they either didn't have it in left hand, or wouldn't ship to the U.S. With that said, I'm glad I bought the BP-K version, as 17 fpe is perfect for my needs. I am really enjoying this gun, and don't see me ever selling it.

This is a 14 shot string I got with Polymag shorts:

967.9, 966.2, 968.6, 964.3, 970.4, 970.6, 969.5, 969.7, 967, 972.9, 964.7, 970.9, 967.3, 965.8

Avg. = 968 ES = 8.6 SD = 2.535 FPE = 16.7


Thanks for the info everyone.

And yea, I need to clarify that length deal. I like a "bull pup" to actually be a bull pup. Not just a rear mounted receiver rifle. Actually, this gun isn't that...long, even with the silencer mounted, but would prefer a little shorter. I have a a couple that are...short, and like them. I need to reign in my buying habit a bit, if I can. I may forgo this if it approaches 30" long. I do like what I've seen on Youtube with guys removing the stock, and am able to see the "parts' Seem's well designed.

Again, thanks all.

Douger is correct, they do have some heft to them, but it helps with stability and you really don't notice it when hunting. They are very well balanced. As for length, as shown in the pic, mine is just under 29" butt to tip of moderator. Also, unlike some bullpups, you cannot keep your shooting hand on the grip and cock it. The lever moves out 90* with a spring activation and then you pull it back another 3-4* to cycle the magazine. Pushing it forward seats the pellet and the lever snaps back into place. Once a pellet is in the breech you can cock it again, but the magazine won't rotate until a shot is taken, preventing multiple pellets from loading. Another way to tell if it's cocked is to move the safety lever. If it's not cocked, the safety cannot be engaged. This is a feature I don't care for. While I don't like auto safeties, I'm used to placing my Regal XL on safe after every shot and before recocking.

I couldn't remove the moderator on mine. I used a 1500* heat gun but only succeeded to remove the can, leaving the threaded end on the muzzle. I wasn't going to chance marring it, so I left it alone. The Weihrauch mod is 7 5/8" long, and although I find it stylish, you could shave off 2 5/8" with a Tanto. 

Hmm...yea, just called Arizona Air-.

Despite the "specifications" stating 23", It's actually 29" as measured by a sales person. That's pretty close to not being an "actual" bullpup, vs, "just" a rear mounted receiver gun. On to something else. Not concerned with a little weight. I shoot at home, and can just put it down if I start sweating..! Despite, being 69yrs old, I'm 6' and about 250, and can still...hold my own (no jokes here..!).

cea1960 - You are correct. As a right hand shooter, whom ever designs these rifles that force you to remove your grip / trigger finger hand from the grip is a foolish mistake, in my opinion. I'd MUCH rather remove my support hand that isn't doing ANYTHING, but helping to hold the fore end of the rife up to removing my grip hand. That's just bad science. But I knew that and is sort of secondary to the excessive length.

Thanks again.
