N/A Weihrauch hw97 or Air Arms TX200

The TX200 is better from the box, the 97 catches up quickly if you are prepared to get your hands dirty.
In fact, both benefit from a little attention before serious use.

Try both, which fits you better? Try cocking and loading them both, is one easier than the other ?

Finally, over here the TX is a whole chunk of cash more than the 97. That would be a major factor for me
Do a search on this topic and you will find loads of input from owners of both guns. Some threads are quite long, and there is no consensus on which is 'best'. Both are exceptionally accurate. TX often gets the nod on being easier to strip down and having higher quality wood and bluing. 97 is easier to load and less expensive. Lots of aftermarket support for both guns. Good luck choosing.
I have neither, but as a leftie I like the Ambi stocks that HW offers. Talking of stocks, HW offers a lot of variety within the HW77 range. The thing that would confuse me within the HW77 is what advantage the 77 standard offers over the 77K?
I like it's looks and it's got irons as a primary or back up sighting ..

Bust a scope. No problem go irons till you grab another and keep shooting

My hw95 is so good on irons I rarely ever scope it .

So if choice 77 or 97 it's 77 all the way
I have neither, but as a leftie I like the Ambi stocks that HW offers. Talking of stocks, HW offers a lot of variety within the HW77 range. The thing that would confuse me within the HW77 is what advantage the 77 standard offers over the 77K?

The HW77 has the advantage of a very long cocking arm. Like twice as long as my HW97k or TX200. I have it setup with krytox and a vortek kit. It is chucking the H&N Baracuda Match 10.65's right at 900 fps. It is my strongest springer by far but very easy to shoot and cock. I was hoping it would like the 13 grain monsters but it shot them like crap.

Oddly enough, the TX200 won the dice roll this morning. It is setup for 12 fpe and is smooth like butter.

The HW77 has the advantage of a very long cocking arm. Like twice as long as my HW97k or TX200. I have it setup with krytox and a vortek kit. It is chucking the H&N Baracuda Match 10.65's right at 900 fps. It is my strongest springer by far but very easy to shoot and cock. I was hoping it would like the 13 grain monsters but it shot them like crap.

Oddly enough, the TX200 won the dice roll this morning. It is setup for 12 fpe and is smooth like butter.

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10.5 at 900 fps. It’s hard to fathom A .177 doing 19 ft lbs with that short stroke and be tame. I know what springs Vortek uses and I’d have to “ see“ that to confirm it. Not many .22 will get there in a HW80 which has a longer stroke. And 30 mm tube. 26 mm x80 mm give or take isn’t USUALLY GONNA MAKE A NICE FIRING 19 ft lb gun.

Don’t get offended I’m going off history. My own. YOU may have a super over achiever.
Had them both, love them both. Main differences is that the HW97K is easier to load, but a bitch to take apart and work on the innards. The TX200 is harder to load due to the smaller loading port. It is far easier to take apart and change springs. You don't need a spring compressor. As far as looks, it give a nod the the TX. The HW is more robust, but I'm sure both rifles will last forever.
I have neither, but as a leftie I like the Ambi stocks that HW offers. Talking of stocks, HW offers a lot of variety within the HW77 range. The thing that would confuse me within the HW77 is what advantage the 77 standard offers over the 77K?
If you are NOT shooting off a rest, and you are using irons/diopter sights, then the 77 long with the long sight radius, maybe with a tyrolean stock, may be best...and it is kinda cute? Those TX's sure are pretty though!

10.5 at 900 fps. It’s hard to fathom A .177 doing 19 ft lbs with that short stroke and be tame. I know what springs Vortek uses and I’d have to “ see“ that to confirm it. Not many .22 will get there in a HW80 which has a longer stroke. And 30 mm tube. 26 mm x80 mm give or take isn’t USUALLY GONNA MAKE A NICE FIRING 19 ft lb gun.

Don’t get offended I’m going off history. My own. YOU may have a super over achiever.
No offense taken. The HW77 is the first rifle I purchased. A friend helped me degrease and put the kit in, I told him max power amiright? The stock helps tone the rifle down, it is one of my heaviest springers. It is no where smooth like my TX200 or HW97k is but it is still fun to shoot.
I have 97 Mk3 Long Barrel, 97 Synthetic, and older TX Mk3 all set up at 12fpe. The 97s don't need a spring compressor when tuning at 12fpe or under. Out of the box the TX has less noise but mine seems more hold sensitive. Both are capable of 1" groups or less at 50 yards but my TX seems more picky with pellets.

For standing I prefer how the 97 Long balances but I added an extra setback trigger. A sling can be added to the 97 because of the underlever lock-up. I like the setback trigger blade on the TX. The TX is more expensive initially but after installing aftermarket kits and triggers the cost is almost equal. Both are well built but If I had to choose one it would be the 97.
My experience with these rifles is the TX looks better on the out side and super clean on the inside. The breach size and bear trap are my problem when loading. And also I shoot in the winter cold and find the cocking arm hard to release from the spring. The 77-97 have a push button release. 👍
The 77-97 breach is way more generous for loading and no bear trap. The Weihrauch’s favor a cleanup inside.
‘And like Maxtrouble said jacking the 77 long is as easy as it gets. Plus the 77 has iron sights. My suggestion as well. Good luck. Crow
I shoot a TX and love it. Our matches have more 97s than TXs. I see no difference in performance. I have heard several tuners say AA internal machine work has gone downhill and they think 97s are now better made. The AA is easier to disassemble, big point in its favor. I like walnut. I would buy AA again.
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Trying to decide between the two. Any suggestions?

The HW77 has the advantage of a very long cocking arm. Like twice as long as my HW97k or TX200. I have it setup with krytox and a vortek kit. It is chucking the H&N Baracuda Match 10.65's right at 900 fps. It is my strongest springer by far but very easy to shoot and cock. I was hoping it would like the 13 grain monsters but it shot them like crap.

Oddly enough, the TX200 won the dice roll this morning. It is setup for 12 fpe and is smooth like butter.

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Love the stock. Now tell me how you like that scope, compared to others you have tried?
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