I guess silicone grease
That's a logical answer. There's a few trains of thought on this. On synthetic sealed springers very little lube is needed. Any petroleum grease will diesel. They key is to use very little of it if you do. Light dieseling is acceptable and normal.

Another route is Teflon based grease like Krytox. It won't diesel. Still very little of it is needed. If you post how to grease your 98 on the traditional air guns section here you'll get ten pages of answers in two days. Some of them good. Some of them bad. Typical internet peanut gallery. Still its important to lube it correctly so weeding through it will reveal something worthwhile. I suggest the OP researchs springer maintenance over on the AGN traditional airguns section.
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I have weihrauch hw98 .177 rifle.
I just bought the rifle.
The rifle's production year is 2017. I removed the weak spring from the rifle.
I had a Titan no8 spring installed. I measured the output velocity with jsb 10.34 grain pellet.
average speed 660 fps. This speed is equivalent to 13.5 joules.
I thought hw98 rifles were 20 joules. Is the 660 fps velocity I measured with 10.34 grain normal?
you can get between 14-16 ftlbs out of it but it's gonna be a pretty aggressive shot cycle. I would stick to 12-13ftlbs for a more pleasant experience
you can get between 14-16 ftlbs out of it but it's gonna be a pretty aggressive shot cycle. I would stick to 12-13ftlbs for a more pleasant experience
This is pretty correct. In 177 it'll make 14-15 fpe in healthy factory FAC guise. If it makes over 15 its dieseling excessively. In larger calibers they can make >16 properly. I agree 12-14fpe in 177 is a nice range when done right.
I guess silicone grease
Silicone oil is for leather piston seals. The HW98 is synthetic. The old school method (proven over many decades) of lubricating these is moly grease on the sides of the seal. That’s what I still use. No dieseling and long seal life. Newer stuff may be better, but I don’t see a reason to change.

Plus the inside of the piston tube should ideally be “burnished” with moly. Which is one of the best metal to metal lubricants available. Do you really want silicone oil (one of the worst metal to metal lubricants) migrating around in this area?
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It's it off white?
It's it off white?

Piston Seal.jpg
There's two different 26mm piston seal designs that Weihrauch uses in their guns and sells as replacements. I don't believe there's different part numbers as they are both interchangeable. Weihrauch has randomly flip flopped between them over the years. One is the one you pictured with the thick lip and the other has a thinner lip. They both work well enough. My gut tells me Weihrauch has two different seal suppliers.
The important part is you got a decent correct seal.