Welcome to AIRGUN NATION - please introduce yourself here!

 High from South Texas!
My name is Tony and I just signed up on here. I currently have a Benjamin Jim Shockey Steel Eagle with a UTG Leapers 4-16 X 50 AO scope mounted on it. I haven't had much luck on accuracy with it, but have just discovered some metal shavings between the barrel and the pivot washers. I cleaned them up and tightened it back down. Hopefully I can go shoot a few rounds today to see if that helps any. I am looking at getting a Benjamin Discovery or Maximus in .22. I hope to learn from some of you all as I have from another site.
Thank you for your kind words! I had an experience of living in USA, Georgia, Atlanta, Marietta in 1996 for 3 weeks in American family during the friendship force program of changing families and I also respect American people very much.
And our family 4 times welcomed the same familty from Marietta as a guests in our home in Russia, Moscow - we know each other well and very happy to be friends.

The main thing is not to mix people and politics. :)
hello all Richard here from Australia where anything that looks like a gun is illegal even BB and some toy guns are banned you guys are so lucky to have the freedoms of responsible ownership .Our government here thinks it knows best for our safety (LOL)
anyways I like the site and want to meet like minded people to learn from and even do some home smithing to build my own .anyone's help would be great with ideas, schematics, plans and measurements would be help. over here most people do not want to pass on tips and how too's as it is regarded as taboo i think if we continue to go down this path the art will be lost .
to join the local club ,get your license, is the easy part but to get an air gun or any firearm even paint ball you have to jump through hoops pay fees ,wait several months pay more fees , wait some more pay some more fees then buy what you guys would consider a toy @200 fps and then your home is randomly checked several times / year to check up on your storage and they are sneaky they will ask a member of your house hold to open the safe if you are not there to check to see what you have is what you say you have ,but they use a form of entrapment by bullying the family member of prosecution so they oblige and then your busted because they are not to have access and you loose the lot and are fined once again . Nice hey but you are then on a data base as not to be allowed to own a firearm again . (BS) that's how its done but all this has not stopped the criminal and gun related incidents at all as the criminal don't care for all that they just go and get what they want from somewhere and once again the responsible owner suffers with high costs and regulations and a bigger black market in some respects . Prohibition just don't work .
anyway sorry about the rant .
lets play
Hey guys! My name is Jake Bond and I am from a small town in TN. I am married, with a beautiful two year old girl. She is daddy's little buddy for sure. I grew up in the outdoors, hunting and fishing for as long as I can remember. I'm one of those guys that has way more hobbies than he has time for, and my latest addiction is air gunning. I grew up chasing whitetails and that is where my passion lied for a long time. Local hunting circumstances have kind of pushed me more into small game hunting these days though. I like the challenge and safety that is provided with air guns and I have had a few good springers but watching ted make one crazy shot after another has finally made me dip my toe into the world of pcp's lol. I bought a disco for the simple fact it was one i could fill with a pump easily and was the biggest bang for my buck starting out. I actually really liked it. That was less than a month ago and I am already looking to learn more from you guys and trying to get bigger and better guns, and hopefully be able to offer some knowledge to others eventually.
Hi, been on the site for a little while and made a few post. I have been airgunning my entire life. Hunting and pest control. I only hunt with airguns and bow and arrows now. Also I am a Crosman fan. I'm rocking Nitro pistons these days. I did have a beautiful Beman R7 long ago. Anyways I really got serious with my 1377 which is now basically a pump version of a Discovery. I want to add a Marauder and P-rod to my arsenal soon, and maybe that PCP 1077. Anyways I have some breakbarrels, C02's, pumpers, and 1 n 1/2 underlevers to build. I am a mechanic and fabricator so airgun smithing is just to fun for me! Please don't hate on me for being a Crosman fan or for painting everything in some sort of camo.
Hi, guys my name is Dana and I live in Edinburg,Va.. Just bought a Gamo Whisper Fusion Mach 1, took it out today to sight it in.Did"nt take long to find out that it takes a littile muscle to cock that thing.This my first pellet rifle, sure aint like my old bb gun from when I was a kid. I wore out way before the gun did. I hope to meet some of you some day. I am a retired xray tech. I retired from the AF in 88. I did 4 yrs Navy and 16 yrs AF. Retired for good in 2010, I turned 71 in May. I saw that their is someone on here from near by may be we can get together one day. I hope to learn a lot from you all.
From one old guy to another, welcome! Yeah, it is truly remarkable the degree to which air gun technology has advanced since I was a kid. I believe that this dynamic is a direct function of the erosion of our 2nd Amend. rights, but that's not why you called.

I distinctly remember being 10 or so (maybe younger) and shooting my Crosman .177 pump pellet gun. It was a quantum leap from the Daisy lever-action BB gun I had. I thought it was the greatest thing since; well, the Daisy lever-action BB gun! I even mounted an old scope on her that was lying around the house. Much like the Internet, which provides, shall I say, a plethora of interesting viewing choices that a young boy would find engaging; I would have lost my mind if the air guns of today had been available back in the day!

At any rate, welcome to the forum. Interacting with the folks here on AGN is a big part of my day, and I find the fellowship and guidance indispensable. The influence of Ted's genesis and Michael's administration has resulted in the premiere airgun forum, IMO. 
So i guess i could do a introduction as well. I'm Andreas Pettersson i live in central parts of Sweden and been shooting pcp air rifles for a while and building a couple as well.
A couple of weeks ago i bought a FX Impact .22cal for modifying to become my new long range bench rest rifle. And with long range i'm talking about 250-300m (330 yards) and have been experimenting with custom modifications on this gun for a while..

I own a small cnc machine shop that i run from my home and work as a systems backend developer.

So if you are curious about getting something custom done, and are located in europe mainly (i can do US as well but postages...) free to contact me and we discuss your project. =)

kind regards // Andreas
I've been a member of AGN for two years now, but never introduced myself correctly. So here we go...

The name is Léon, also known to friends as Jonnes. I'm a Dutch citizen, ex military, Olympic disciplines (rimfire and air) target shooter and for the past 8 years entrepreneur. I've been shooting for well over 35 years now, both professionally (also as a trainer in the army) as well as recreationally and in competitions. I started with PCP''s (big- and small bore) about 5 years ago, owned quite the amount of them during those years (still own one, an FX Independence) and love SSP match- and springer rifles. That's where my passion for shooting started. Still about 9 springers, ranging from Weihrauch's to Anschütz and Air Arms, and two SSP match rifles. You can find me on the shooting range 3 times a week (training for olympic disciplines), where I'm a member of the board also. All and all, you might call me a shooting addict. ;)

What I love most are the 10-meter air rifle disciplines, as well as the 12- and 50-meter rimfire disciplines. But those plinking sessions with friends, shooting cans and steel plates in the field, and occasionally multiple day hunting trips are a s-load of fun also.

It's difficult to make a professional career in the shooting industry outside of the military here in The Netherlands, but I would still love to make my profession out of it. Preferably as a trainer of some sorts. Sharing knowledge is something that's in my genes. So I hope that my contributions to the AGN members are helpful in any way.

Thanks to all you guys for making this forum the best airgun forum on the net! Big thumbs up to y'all!
My name is Bruce and I have been lurking around AGN since Feb. this year, but I just realized that I had never introduced myself here(I think?). I was born in the late 1940's and grew up in s.e. Wyoming and Colorado. Growing up with a strong farm and ranch background, I really never had much to do with airguns since I made my first "kill" with a .22 rimfire at 6yrs. old. Only knew powder burners as I grew up but about 2 yrs. ago, due to poor health, had to give up firearms but found airguns! I love to hunt with them and also enjoy trying a little long range shooting. I have worked with a Discovery for a year and a half and done a lot of modding to it and have really enjoyed the learning experience along the way. It's time to move up and my budget says the best bet for me is most likely the Marauder in.22. Looking forward to the next steps on this journey! I truly enjoy the experience here on AGN and will try to contribute what I can,for what it might be worth. I have already learned a great deal here and I just want to say how comfortable it is here on the forum.
Thanks, Guys and Gals!!
Hi, Bruce; man, it's like I have a twin! Even though you have me by about ten years (I was born in the late 50s), our stories are similar. I too was immersed in the PB culture growing up; but at this stage of my life, I want a kinder, gentler experience. I really dig the stealth and lack of recoil of airguns. And actually, I am taking much more game with my airguns that I ever did with my rimfires and shotguns. (I am limited to legally hunting small game with airguns here in California.)

I have been hunting with a P-Rod, a Daystate Pulsar .25, and an FX Impact .30; both day and night hunting. My experience has been very fulfilling and I am extremely happy with the results. But I am taking the experience to a whole 'nother level as I am awaiting the arrival of a RAW HMx .357 (130 ft-lbf regulated). This honey is truly commensurate with the power profile of a .22lr rimfire (130 ft-lbf at the muzzle and 80 ft-lbf at 100 yards). My new RAW is almost twice the power as the FX Impact .30 MAX power; in fact, she delivers more impact energy at 100 yards as the Impact .30 delivers at the muzzle!


Hello! New guy here. My name is Ted. I live in Brenham, Texas, home of Blue Bell Ice Cream. I'm married to the wonderful and incredibly patient Anne, and blessed to be the father to 20-year old Hannah. I work for one of the well-known manufacturers of CNC machines in industry, and have spent my whole professional career in manufacturing. So, naturally I like tinkering with well-made mechanical contraptions. This, combined with my love of firearms of all denominations and my love of the outdoors, pretty much guaranteed that I'd eventually end up dipping a toe into the airgun pool as well. I wouldn't say I'm "new" to airguns, as I've played with pretty much everything that flings projectiles short of howitzers and M61 30mm Vulcan Gatling guns at one time or another. However, I've been so fixated on powder-fueled guns for so long that I never paid airguns much attention, am not current on what is and isn't among "the good stuff," and know very little about the tips and tricks of the airgun world. Unfortunately, I tend to have expensive tastes, so I kinda fear adding another hobby to the growing list! Ha!

Besides firearms and shooting, my other hobbies/interests include optics, archery, hunting, custom knives, photography, riding my SXS quad, and RC models.

Basically, I don't have much to add to the collective wisdom contained here at the moment, so I'll just shamelessly name drop and say that I know Joe Rhea well, and he actually considers me a friend. I hope that fact will make you all like me.
Hey, New to the forum. I have a Crosman 2240 I have considered modifying. Unfortunately I ran across the Crosman Custom Shop after I purchased this pistol, or I would of gone through them. I've decided to leave this one as is, it shoots great, and purchase another one from the CCS with some mods I like already done and go from there. Question, Anyone know of any coupon codes to get a discount from the Custon shop. At one time there was a 20% off Tuesday discount. Thanks 
Hey! My name is Rob and I am new to this forum. I got into air gunning a couple of years ago when I bought a 10 acre ranch in the Sierra Foothills (Valley Springs). The property sat vacant for a couple of years and was literally overrun with ground squirrels. I tried putting water hoses down their holes, trapping, smoke bombs, and nothing was working. One day someone suggested shooting them. I had an old Gamo in .177 and now 8 pcp's later, I'm hooked on the hobby! I pretty much eradicated the ground squirrel population and now just enjoy shooting and collecting new toys. If anyone knows any great places to shoot in this area, hit me up. Thanks!

Marauder .177
Marauder .25
Marauder .257
Blizzard .22
Evanix Sniper .357
Evanix Bullpup .45
Kral Puncher Breaker .25
Talon SS .22
(I told you I was hooked!)
Welcome, robc98! Man, you're livin' my dream! I am in culture shock after moving from rural Pennsylvania to southern California. I live on the Mexican border and it is slim pickins down here shooting/hunting wise, but I'm making due. I'm seriously considering buying a 10-acre plot of undeveloped scrub desert just so I have somewhere to shoot!

Not a day goes by that I don't check in with my buddies at Airgun Nation ("AGN"). The airgun legend Ted Bier started the forum and Michael runs a tight ship. The fellowship of AGN has added inestimable value to my airgunning experience.

A little look at Ted & Michael: