I live in Washington State. 37 year old airgun enthusiast. Grew up shooting air guns of a few sorts, nothing really high powered. But always really enjoyed target practicing!
Joined the Army National Guard at 18. Served total of 4 years. Shot lots of real guns, as well as being trained in demolitions. Have put A LOT of rounds downrange through the M-16, and also M-249SAW.
A squirrel epidemic hit my area of suburbia around 2008/2009. I wanted a new air rifle that shot pellets at higher power than an old circa 1986 Crosman bb gun/pellet rifle (co2) that I'd inherited from my Dad. The squirrels did thousands of dollars in damage to the siding of my house, tore up the yard with their tunnels and holes, devastated my fruit trees (stealing almost all of the small crop from a few trees one summer) and were actively trying to get into my attic and roof almost daily.
Obviously couldn't shoot a firearm in suburbia, and not being much of a hunter, and kind of out of guns since my Army days (got out in Nov. 2002 ) didn't have any anyway.
Bought a Gamo Big Cat 1200, .177 pellet rifle. Couldn't believe the power compared to the old bb rifle...after sighting in the scope, had surgical laser precision at 10-20 yards for backyard pests. It was love at first sight/shot. Couldn't believe the thing had kick even?
Well, sent about a dozen or more of those yard fiends to their maker. Love all animals and enjoy seeing them in nature, and normally would only kill an animal to eat. But when they're destroying your house and land?
Lol. Anyway, lost count after a dozen or two, but cleaned up the problem and it subsided for a while. Life happened, work, everything else. The Gamo got a bit dusty and I ended up selling it while getting rid of a bunch of stuff at a garage sale, around 2009 or 2010. Sold it with a cheap hard case and couple tins of ammo for giveaway price of like $30?
Regretted it later, as this was the highest power airgun I'd ever had. And the accuracy was incredible at close backyard range! Plus I just liked the way it looked and felt...solid...like it was something I could take in the woods if I ever wanted, and hunt small game, and could depend on? Also perfect for a survival situation or "bug out bag"!
In 2016, I bought the first real serious looking, semi-automatic co2 rifle I could find, with a 30 pellet mag. The Sig Sauer MCX .177. With red dot. Got a Explorer soft case for it off Amazon, really nice. It holds lots of tins of ammo, plus easily 10 or more 88/90 gr Co2 cylinders. Real nice kit all in all. I'll have to share pics eventually.
I also have a Co2 Colt Defender bb pistol, mainly for target practice in the basement in winter, or real close range pest shots. (Haven't taken squirrels with that yet, don't know if I'd try?)
Last week, I just got another Gamo to replace the first one I sold. It's also my first .22 air rifle. The Gamo Wildcat Whisper .22.
The accuracy and quality is just like with the Big Cat, only with a bit less? Muzzle crack, (at least without alloy pellets) and way more punch to it!
Anyway, I'm becoming a Gamo loyalist and love the company and their products. Recently saw a really cool vid on youtube by the Gamo co, on their technology and history.
Quite happy with my airgun supplies at the moment, with 3 rifles and one pistol, but definitely interested in the Air Force Texan and Umarex Gauntlet, maybe the Gamo Urban for hunting/survival? Might get one of those 3 for my 1st pcp gungun.
Otherwise, definitely going to buy the Umarex Hammer .50 cal when it's for sale later this year? (3rd mag, fully shrouded/suppressed!!! Carbon part(s)!!!)
Also really want the Gamo PR-776 revolver. And the Sig Sauer P320 pellet pistol.
The squirrel problem has subsided almost completely, since killing off a bunch of them last year and early this year, with the old bb rifle.
It's quiet on the homefront....TOO quiet lol!
I know those pesky varmints will be back. I'll be ready for them. In the meantime, before the next squirrel insurgency, I'm happy to have found this place! Very cool to meet and talk with fellow airgunners from all over the place here! Wow!
Big Thank You to the founder(s) of this site...what a cool place to hang out and learn.
I live in Washington State. 37 year old airgun enthusiast. Grew up shooting air guns of a few sorts, nothing really high powered. But always really enjoyed target practicing!
Joined the Army National Guard at 18. Served total of 4 years. Shot lots of real guns, as well as being trained in demolitions. Have put A LOT of rounds downrange through the M-16, and also M-249SAW.
A squirrel epidemic hit my area of suburbia around 2008/2009. I wanted a new air rifle that shot pellets at higher power than an old circa 1986 Crosman bb gun/pellet rifle (co2) that I'd inherited from my Dad. The squirrels did thousands of dollars in damage to the siding of my house, tore up the yard with their tunnels and holes, devastated my fruit trees (stealing almost all of the small crop from a few trees one summer) and were actively trying to get into my attic and roof almost daily.
Obviously couldn't shoot a firearm in suburbia, and not being much of a hunter, and kind of out of guns since my Army days (got out in Nov. 2002 ) didn't have any anyway.
Bought a Gamo Big Cat 1200, .177 pellet rifle. Couldn't believe the power compared to the old bb rifle...after sighting in the scope, had surgical laser precision at 10-20 yards for backyard pests. It was love at first sight/shot. Couldn't believe the thing had kick even?
Well, sent about a dozen or more of those yard fiends to their maker. Love all animals and enjoy seeing them in nature, and normally would only kill an animal to eat. But when they're destroying your house and land?

Lol. Anyway, lost count after a dozen or two, but cleaned up the problem and it subsided for a while. Life happened, work, everything else. The Gamo got a bit dusty and I ended up selling it while getting rid of a bunch of stuff at a garage sale, around 2009 or 2010. Sold it with a cheap hard case and couple tins of ammo for giveaway price of like $30?

Regretted it later, as this was the highest power airgun I'd ever had. And the accuracy was incredible at close backyard range! Plus I just liked the way it looked and felt...solid...like it was something I could take in the woods if I ever wanted, and hunt small game, and could depend on? Also perfect for a survival situation or "bug out bag"!
In 2016, I bought the first real serious looking, semi-automatic co2 rifle I could find, with a 30 pellet mag. The Sig Sauer MCX .177. With red dot. Got a Explorer soft case for it off Amazon, really nice. It holds lots of tins of ammo, plus easily 10 or more 88/90 gr Co2 cylinders. Real nice kit all in all. I'll have to share pics eventually.
I also have a Co2 Colt Defender bb pistol, mainly for target practice in the basement in winter, or real close range pest shots. (Haven't taken squirrels with that yet, don't know if I'd try?)
Last week, I just got another Gamo to replace the first one I sold. It's also my first .22 air rifle. The Gamo Wildcat Whisper .22.
The accuracy and quality is just like with the Big Cat, only with a bit less? Muzzle crack, (at least without alloy pellets) and way more punch to it!
Anyway, I'm becoming a Gamo loyalist and love the company and their products. Recently saw a really cool vid on youtube by the Gamo co, on their technology and history.
Quite happy with my airgun supplies at the moment, with 3 rifles and one pistol, but definitely interested in the Air Force Texan and Umarex Gauntlet, maybe the Gamo Urban for hunting/survival? Might get one of those 3 for my 1st pcp gungun.
Otherwise, definitely going to buy the Umarex Hammer .50 cal when it's for sale later this year? (3rd mag, fully shrouded/suppressed!!! Carbon part(s)!!!)
Also really want the Gamo PR-776 revolver. And the Sig Sauer P320 pellet pistol.
The squirrel problem has subsided almost completely, since killing off a bunch of them last year and early this year, with the old bb rifle.
It's quiet on the homefront....TOO quiet lol!

I know those pesky varmints will be back. I'll be ready for them. In the meantime, before the next squirrel insurgency, I'm happy to have found this place! Very cool to meet and talk with fellow airgunners from all over the place here! Wow!
Big Thank You to the founder(s) of this site...what a cool place to hang out and learn.
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