the last post i should have mentioned Ahobe17 and anyone else in the area is welcome to contact me. We shoot the third saturday every month at Little miami rifle and pictol club in milford ohio.
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Hi coldfield (KYairgunner"coldfield"Hi leo,
There is a bunch of pcp shooter up here jn nky. We have a monthly long range benchrest match. Where in ky are you? Also you stole my logon!.... LoL. I have always gone by kyairgunner on the other forums but couldnt on this one.... Call or email me if you want to shoot sometime. Bye, chris oldfield (aka the real kyairgunner). Lol
Oh I just read this post never mind on the last question."coldfield"the last post i should have mentioned Ahobe17 and anyone else in the area is welcome to contact me. We shoot the third saturday every month at Little miami rifle and pictol club in milford ohio.
Hi coldfield (KYairgunner"coldfield"Hi leo,
There is a bunch of pcp shooter up here jn nky. We have a monthly long range benchrest match. Where in ky are you? Also you stole my logon!.... LoL. I have always gone by kyairgunner on the other forums but couldnt on this one.... Call or email me if you want to shoot sometime. Bye, chris oldfield (aka the real kyairgunner). Lol
859-750-3510) I live up in union Ky. wheres the bench rest match located? Sorry about my Logan i had no idea I didn't know what else to put so I just made it up
I'm at the other side of KY, KY/TN border, Bowling Green, KY.
At what distance is the benchrest match?"coldfield"Union is pretty close. I'm in independence. The matches are in milford ohio. It takes me 40 minutes to get there. I can shoot 80 yds at my house. Bye
I might try and get myself down there sometime sounds fun."coldfield"I would guess about 45 from you.
It's a really time target match. We shoot at chalk, shotgun shells, cherry tomato and other fun things. These guys are really good. You can learn a lot from them.
Ill try and do my best i just have wait forever for it to get here."billydjann"Keep us updated....