Well I had a great day

I spent this week tuning the new to me R5M long to get the 34’s to 905fps (I have like 7 tins left over from my previous.25). After a couple in and outs with the reg and hammer spring tension, I was able to. This was to be her maiden voyage. 
Out on the pasture there was a bushy tree that ground squirrels like to hang out in. Ranged to be 72 yards out. Man this thing packs a wallop! When their head would stick out I lined up and wham! I’ve never seen a DRT like these before. A thwack and then a slight shudder and drop. No running, no tail helicopters, nuthin. And it wasn’t just the first one. They kept on dying like that. About 5 from that tree alone. Then a couple more on some fence posts. All shudder stops. It was just a couple hours but alot of fun.