Well, I'm now out of the PCP game.

7 years,....and it sure has been a grand time.
I entered the PCP world with Hog hunting in mind, In all those years I owned many great guns and was fortunate enough to be able to shoot many more.

When I first started I had no idea what to expect ( there wasn't much info about Hog Hunting than ) However the deeper I got into it, the more the results exceeded all my wildest expectations, it was a great learning and rewarding process.

PCPs are, when used correctly a truly wonderful hunting weapon, with the capability of upping or lowering the power they are extremely versatile.

However, I Killed many Hogs and other stuff and eventually with time the callenge/excitment become stale, just "matter of fact", 
at that point since I never had interest in target shooting and plinking with PCPs,..... and still don't have ( I have my break barrels for that ) I saw no reason to keep them.

Hunting you ask ?...... well I've been making bows again and fine tuning my archery, so You'll see me on the Back Room/Off topic or whatever those sections are called

Some companies contacted me offering to send guns for reviews, I take nothing for granted until I get an actual gun in my hands, and if that happens I'll take them for field testing and hunting giving them the most objective review that I'm capable of.

Otherwise I'll try to wean myself of the PCP sections

Good luck ya'll

I was wondering why we haven't heard from you lately. Hey we all go thru phases. Sometimes I too get bored with the sheer accuracy of rifle shooting. That's why I haven't sold my Elite Energy bow. I've got mad respect for anyone who hunts with a bow. I've taken a hog or two with mine so I know the challenges & the feeling.

You will always be regarded as a pioneer in airgun hog hunting. Thanks for all the stories.

Aloha & Mahalo 
Yup you will be back and I hope the co sends you a pcp to review:)...I enjoy shooting airguns a lot because it keeps my neighbor from complaining like a little #itch about me when I shoot my PB:( in backyard . Then again I do like annoying him with the crack of a PB from time to time lol last time I did I told him to go call the police and put a tampon in lol ......Manny I have your email so I will keep I'm touch :)