Western rattler

Western rattler 357

I just bought a Western Sidewinder .30, and my setup is 45gr at 895fps, producing about 80 FPE. It’s absolutely fantastic for hunting—I’ve taken down a lot of rabbits with it.

I usually use full-auto mode and fire three-round bursts. If I miss or the animal isn’t down, I’ll fire another three rounds. One time, I encountered a coyote and ended up shooting it 12 times—it was full of holes. The first three shots hit it, and it fell to the ground, kicking its legs. I emptied the magazine to ease its suffering.

This gun is only effective up to 80 yards; at 100 yards, it becomes noticeably inaccurate. It also can’t use slugs, as they slip out of the magazine. If you want to shoot at longer distances, you might want to check out the .357 version, which is designed for slugs.