My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all those who made the trek to the Western States & AAFTA GP 2025. The event IMHO was simply amazing, seeing familiar and new faces, the many handshakes, the brief but meaningful conversations, the good shots and the not so good shots, made for what at least for me will be an unforgettable experience.
The venue is legendary and it did not disappoint. During our Pistol match on Friday the weather was rather cold and even a bit wet, but not severe enough to dampen the mood of most shooters. When I arrived at the range on Saturday a light layer of frost overlayed on all surfaces, from the grass to the target faces. By the time most shooters were sighting in their equipment, the chill dissipated giving way to a great day of shooting. Sunday proved to be the more challenging day with sustained wind in the teens and gusts of up to 20-25mph. I did not do so well, but the top shooters proved once again that they are up to any challenge.
Today, I started my day by unloading a truck full of stuff to make it ready for my appointment-filled day, despite it being a full size truck, I swear I was missing 90% of the things we actually needed at the match. Tons of room for improvement and I appreciate you guys's patience.
Every attendee was special but let's give some credit where credit is due; special thanks to Randy Ebersole and Wayne Burns, road warriors, Field Target die hards, and truly awesome FRIENDS!. Truly incredible the amount of work that you guys put in into this event, forever thankful!
A big shout out to Mr. Scott Hull, Match Director extraordinaire, talented shooter, and a voice of incredible reason. Thank you, Scott, really wish I'd been involved when you were running matches. You being there mitigated tons of my boneheadedness.
Thank you Jim for this amazing Scoreboard, and for teaching me so much about Field Target, I can listen for hours how you and Cam break down topics with such incredible insight.
Last and definitely not least, Thank you Larry Durham for allowing me the opportunity to live out some of my dreams in your beautiful piece of Airgunning Heaven.
I Will work on adding the results to our website and breaking down the GP points, Keep you posted!!