Other What 200 Meter rings airgun?

I have a 25 cal heavy modified Impact MK2 for N50 and 100 BR shooting, and a 22 cal Leshiy2 for anything else below 80 M/y.
Also, six liners in 22 and 25 I can comfortably swap around between these two.

I am shooting rings in a PB gun club only, where I am allowed to take any ranges up to 100 M/y. If I would wanna shoot with airgun the 200 M/y for example I would need to "build a trust" in eyes of the board of directors to allow that to me.
For this reason last year I got myself a BR / f-class W308 instead, only for a reason that I want to shoot longer distances 200 M and up.

With my MK2 if I would wanna stretch the limit I would need serious homework to do.
Maybe a new dedicated long range rifle would be a better choice?

As much I was reading last year about, I may have missed which air rifle may have consistently performing well @ 200.
Again, rings shooting only is in my main interest, I don't hunt.
Does “rings shooting” refer to paper targets with scoring rings? If so, I believe that you would want to to be using slugs to shoot out to 200 yards. Even then the wind will be your nemesis at that distance. I used to own an Impact MK2 in .22. It worked well with NSA 24.8 gr slugs for shooting out to 200 yards. That was my maximum distance. I mostly shot saw blades as gongs/ dingers at that range. If the wind was calm you could rings those gongs over and over. I even shot eggs at 200 yards when the wind was absolutely still; which wasn’t very often.
I am just calculating it here now.

In order me to justify the expense for a new air rifle, and I will have to "register it" = prove it, in my club if I would wanna be allowed shooting it @ 200 ...
That rifle shall have a proven record of 3" groups - or smaller - @ 200 M/y out of a factory box. That is about a max of 1.5 MOA precision and accuracy, and me progress from there.

Do we see this airgun Brand and Model exist today?
I wish you the best on your endeavor. I shoot a .30 FX Dynamic and the ranges you describe are all doable for this rifle.

Most of the airforce rifles .25 and above should be able to get the power you are looking for as well.

On a side note, I am so thankful that in my area we don't have to abide by such wacky rules as to what distance we can shoot at the range, or whether it's paper or steel targets.
This may be time for you to venture into the .257 game. All kinds of bullets available in all kinds of weight ranges. The .257 Texan would be my first choice. Adjustable power, good trigger , lots of aftermarket parts. And the rifles are still reasonably priced compared to the other brands. Single loading may be a problem for hunters and follow up shots but I don’t think it would make much of a difference at the range.
I am not an impulse buyer, I don't need that new gun but I would like to buy a new gun, but first trying to justify the expense.
I have bad experience with my walet from back in the days I was competing in archery... every year I swap at lest 2-3 bows through almost two decades, always the latest and greatest ... lessons learned.
Ones I am sitting at my bench @ 200 and 300 range, I could just swap out my W308 with a new scuba gun :) (how my PB guys calling these).
So far I am not convinced to purchase any, the big names in our sport have not chimed in yet to confirm the yay or nay.
What could possibly make the Pantera more suitable for longer - 200y - shots then the Impact variants?
Would that be a Valve design or the entire power stroke coming out from the Action Block?
I don't think the liners are any different. Btw I am still shooting my MK2 with liners floating on orings - with a reason...and no weight attachment at the muzzle.