What Airgun supplies do you keep on hand?

Being new to PCP I am wondering what supplies I should always keep handy. From your experiences what should I accumulate? O Rings? Lube? What tools? Spare dial pressure gauge? Etc. thank you. Dan.
Allen keys both metric and standard, as well as the handles and torx tools.
Silicone grease/oil
Digital gage/caliper/micrometer
Push rods for clearing the barrel.
Patch worm to clean the barrel
Cleaning Patches
Moisture filter/particulate filters
Orings of all sorts most importantly for your fill hose.
Allen keys both metric and standard, as well as the handles and torx tools.
Silicone grease/oil
Digital gage/caliper/micrometer
Push rods for clearing the barrel.
Patch worm to clean the barrel
Cleaning Patches
Moisture filter/particulate filters
Orings of all sorts most importantly for your fill hose.
Do you buy an assortment of O rings from online or harbor freight or from Airgun manufacturer?
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Being new to PCP I am wondering what supplies I should always keep handy. From your experiences what should I accumulate? O Rings? Lube? What tools? Spare dial pressure gauge? Etc. thank you. Dan.
Orings(1 full rebuild for each gun) , silicone lube, some 1/8 npt guages and plugs ive collected along the way, Teflon tape, oring picks, foster connectors check valve orings and female fosters, and a spare fill whip.

I'm a little more hands on than many. I don't send guns back for warranty work.
If you're planning on an fx, i suppose you plan on tuning it for different projectiles. For best tuning you would want to get a chronograph. Even a cheap $30 aliexpress will do.
A chrono is mandatory for chasing precision. Even a cheesy optical one for airsoft /paintball will help a lot.

Mostly stuff to handle air leaks on the gun and charging setup. You can't have too much air. 2 is 1 and 1 is none 😁
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Follow-up to JaceSpace's Post #3 list. Pushrod for clearing pellet jams should be soft material, such as a wooden dowel, to assure no damage to barrel crown. Also, plumber's silicone grease and treadmill exercise machine heavyweight silicone oil work well with "O" rings. Finally, Ballistol compliments PatchWorm cleaning kit. WM
If you can find a kit of o-rings for your guns it would be worth getting one. Plus extras of frequently used O-rings. I got a set of O-rings and tools with my P35s but they aren't great O-rings. I bought 2 assortment from Amazon. I can't use many of the sizes but it's cheaper than buying what you need 100 at a time. Then I ordered others from Mr. O-RING or McMaster Carr. It's worth searching to find a reasonable deal when you are ordering a specific size. I have a whole set for my P35s but I don't know if I'll ever use some of them.
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I bought my first pcp ( an airforce talon SS in 25 cal) on Nov 9. I have since added an avenger 25 cal and a notos. I am looking at a Benjamin akela in 22. That is a wide variety of platforms. I guess they all use different O rings. My intent is plinking and pest control.
Wait for airgunrevisions to have akela refurbs back in stock, best deal around. They also have rebuild kits for them
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Follow-up to JaceSpace's Post #3 list. Pushrod for clearing pellet jams should be soft material, such as a wooden dowel, to assure no damage to barrel crown. Also, plumber's silicone grease and treadmill exercise machine heavyweight silicone oil work well with "O" rings. Finally, Ballistol compliments PatchWorm cleaning kit. WM
Great point! Coated rods, nylon brushes imho. A can of crc aerosol leak detector. You can use soap or windex and it's fine, this is just easier and cleaner for finding leaks for most. Fresh allen keys and screw drivers that fit right go a long way as well as a gun punch set of you need those like on an aea.

My experience in pcp since 09 is orings fail, you'll be replacing them. Don't scratch things or it gets worse. Buy cheap oring picks at the very least.
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Being new to PCP I am wondering what supplies I should always keep handy. From your experiences what should I accumulate? O Rings? Lube? What tools? Spare dial pressure gauge? Etc. thank you. Dan.

Supplies to me are consumables.

Support is tools, bulk purchases, compressors, stands and equipment.
Teflon tape for threads.
Wooden dowel for jams.
Patch worm and Balistol for cleaning.
Silicone oil.
A silicone cloth to wipe down the gun metal after use.
Allen key sets and screw drivers. (Buy additional tools as you need them based on your gun and your level of tinkering.)

Unconventional wisdom:
I buy o-ring sets on a need-to-use basis. Why have them sitting around drying out for years before you need them?
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