N/A What are viable big bores?

This is very different than small bore, power, and shot count come to mind quickly. However, the accuracy issues and recoil also will reveal themselves as one pursues this niche of the hobby. From my limited experience, AAA is the gold standard, AEA is very affordable! However, how many others are there really? Not a small bore attempting to pass itself off. Now there is the Bulldog/ pitbull. As well as the Russian ataman series. What is the real shot count and performance of these bad boys? Thanks
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This is very different than small bore, power, and shot count come to mind quickly. However, the accuracy issues and recoil also will reveal themselves as one pursues this niche of the hobby. From my limited experience, AAA is the gold standard, AEA is very affordable! However, how many others are there really? …
Bushbuck, Hammer, Piledriver, Texan…
From my hands on experiences: (adding one additional metric - loudness)
  • AAA 357 Slayer - Moderate recoil, medium loud, unregulated, 6 shots (one full mag) from a 3,300-3,400 fill, sweet trigger, groups under 2" @ 100 yards.
  • Zeus .72 16" - strong recoil, 50BMG loud, unregulated, 3-4 good shots on a fill maybe eak out 1-2 more, very heavy trigger, 3-4" @ 25 yards
  • Umarex Hammer - long heavy recoil, .45ACP loud, "regulated", only 2 shots for me even though advertised as 4, heavy trigger, 4" @ 50 yards
This is very different than small bore, power, and shot count come to mind quickly. However, the accuracy issues and recoil also will reveal themselves as one pursues this niche of the hobby. From my limited experience, AAA is the gold standard, AEA is very affordable! However, how many others are there really? Not a small bore attempting to pass itself off. Now there is the Bulldog/ pitbull. As well as the Russian ataman series. What is the real shot count and performance of these bad boys? Thanks

@rangur1 To answer your questions since no one else addressed them, the Benjamin M357 gets 4-5 good shots with slugs from a 3000 psi fill. I think it can get 8-10 with 81 grain diabolo pellets. Off of a 2900-3000psi fill, the original Bulldog .357 I could squeeze up 15 shots out of a fill shooting 81 grain diabolo pellets, but I’d be using a substantial amount of holdover on the last 3-5 shots from what I recall (it’s been a while). I think the farthest I’ve shot both iterations in .357 is to 75 yards. I have work to do the get comfortable at longer distances, but really don’t have a need to. It’s just something I’d like to do eventually. The recoil on the M357 takes some getting used to. I’m comfortable shooting animals within 50, but confident that the gun can be accurate out to 65 yards with certain projectiles. I also like that I can shoot air bolts with the original Bulldog .357. For me these are viable big bores for hunting. I primarily use mine for hunting. I have no experience with the Bulldog M457.

If you’re interested in details on some of what I’ve stated take a look at the following threads. I’m not a pro, just an airgun hunter exploring options with his rifles. I get tired of banging the same drum, but these guns just work for me.


Original Bulldog .357 shooting air bolts.

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