What Are Your Favorite AGN Member Handles?

I just read a thread where I saw @EmptyTin_Tim for the first time. I must say this is one of my favorite AGN handles. I like how it rolls off of the tongue. Reminds me of the rocker Dimebag Darryl. I don’t know why, it just does. Maybe it’s the alliteration. And his a profile photo suits his handle. There was another member’s handle that struck me similarly, but I can’t recall it at the moment. Hopefully it will come to mind a little later.

What are some of your favorite AGN handles?
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Now that I think about it, I like the handle @nervoustirg as well. I thought @beerthief was a funny handle. I pictured some high school delinquent riding around swiping kegs to sponsor the weekend kegger.

@nervoustrig also goes by 'The Grin Reaper' with a funny pic of a grim reaper but his face is covered by a typical smiling emoji over on another forum.
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Now that I think about it, I like the handle @nervoustirg as well. I thought @beerthief was a funny handle. I pictured some high school delinquent riding around swiping kegs to sponsor the weekend kegger.
I have to admit I read @beerthief sn wrong for awhile, my mind read it beefthief haha
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I just read a thread where I saw @EmptyTin_Tim for the first time. I must say this is one of my favorite AGN handles. I like how it rolls off of the tongue. Reminds me of the rocker Dimebag Darryl. I don’t know why, it just does. Maybe it’s the alliteration. And his a profile photo suits his handle. There was another member’s handle that struck me similarly, but I can’t recall it at the moment. Hopefully it will come to mind a little later.

What are some of your favorite AGN handles?
Haha thanks for the shout out! I was just glad my spare tins were useful besides keeping count of how many pellets have been through which gun! Funny how each manufacturer makes the tins different sizes, have threaded lids or include padding, etc. But I had plenty to make a pattern and stuck with it for the photo. The name just fit too well not to use it.