N/A What are your must have accessories?

Pellet casting equipment.
I knew that if I was going to continue to enjoy this hobby/sport after retirement when my income essentially cut in half I would need to reduce the cost of consumables. With the rising costs of pellets, that is the single most drain. So, I invested in a LEE pot and a few NOW molds in .22 and .25. I also built a couple PIDs to control the pot and a toaster oven converted to a mold warmer. Fortunately I had fellow airgunners that sent me samples of their cast pellets to see what my guns would shoot accurately. With that info I purchased a few molds.
I can't possibly reclaim all the pellets I shoot so I needed a source for lead. A local tire repair shop provided me virtually all the take off wheel weights I wanted. I sorted and reduced that lead into several pounds of ingots.
I also bought an inexpensive stone tumbler and a digital scale.
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You have waaaayyyy more energy than I do!
a proper work table, flexible lights, and
I have a NOE 250-27-RF-CC3 mold and the other equipment but my 2 25s do not like the pellets it makes. They look good and the weight variation is less than JSBs but they don't group. Should try some others but molds aren't sheap.
I'm currently looking for a 250 33 to 36gr RF slug mold... I have some samples and my Avenger shoots them very well.