Tuning What are your results with the FX harmonic barrel tuners

Like title says... I would like to know are you seeing group sizes actually shrink with the FX harmonic barrel tuner. 

if so by how much in general. 

is you POI staying the same day to day ect 

want to know real world results .. Is it worth the investment 

And if you don't mind the caliber and length tuner you are using 

many thanks for your responses 
I have no experience with the FX tuner, but I used several types when I was doing rimfire BR. In short, yes, they work, but in most rifles, they probably will not make a meaningful difference, unless you are engaged in high level competition. POI will be as stable with, as without it, provided you don't move it. Putting it on, or moving it can make a significant difference in POI. My guess, with most rifles you can probably achieve as good, or better results by testing pellets and tuning changes. Of course, tuning changes are easier in some rifles than others. Like any change, it all gets back to testing in the specific rifle.
I can say it does help, I was on the fence. I have rebuilt and tuned an impact MKII .30 from Talon Tunes that Tony had shooting around 900fps but I wanted to shoot slugs for nuances Wildlife removal. I had all sorts of issues getting this gun harmonic again, once I got the gun in balance the groups where 1/2 @ 50 yards maybe little better. With the timer it's pellet in pellet hole @ 50 and 1/2 @ 100 with 44.75 Hades and they are a pain to shoot. I am using original pellet liner and pushing 44.75 Hades @ 912 all day

I haven’t been patient enough to see a benefit yet. Without it I get ragged hole groups at 65 and even 80 yards with slugs. With it, no matter the setting I can’t get the same results let alone improve on them. I don’t regret buying it. I blame myself more than the device. It absolutely has an effect on harmonics. You can see the group move around the point of aim and open/close with each adjustment. I think the tuning process needs to be slow, methodical and well documented to get the most out of it. I only shoot one type of slug out of my impact, don’t think I’d bother if I shot pellets. Just my 2 cents. 

never really had PoI movement day to day with my impact like I have with other guns, adding the harmonic barrel tuner hasn’t made that worse.
Okay so you know on my 700mm barrel I am pellet on pellet with the 18.13 gr jsbs. So putting the barrel tuner on will just change my POI (of course it does as it does add weight to the end) and make the group all messed up as the tuner if not in the correct position will ruin your harmonics and make the groups crap. So basically my barrel is in tune or very close with the 18 gr pellets. It will be hard to make it better and I will probably with a ton of work just make it the same as the impact shoots better than i can anyhow. If i can get the tuner back to that point where it shoots pellet on pellet, I would mark that spot on the tuner for that pellet.

Probably be better to have the screw on tuner without the shroud. That way you can use it for the pellets that don't do well and unscrew when you are using the pellets that do well without the tuner. 

1. Now with the other pellets or slugs that do not group well the tuner can make them better. I would start with a group without the tuner but with the moderator that i am going to always use for this pellet and the old shroud. This is your starting point as to what you are trying to make better. Save a picture of that with measurements or even just cut it out that group, put notes on it and save it for later.

Everything should already be done to this point before the barrel tuner if it has not already. Speed, efficiency, indexing as you done everything you can to make the pellet work and this is as small as a group you can make it.

I Believe this is where your starting point is and when the tuner should be put on and at the most forward position. The likelihood of this position being the perfect spot for harmonics is probably impossible but it is a starting point for where to start firing your groups and measuring.
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It did make a noticeable difference on my slugs at 100 yds. It was some work and it did take some time. I had planed to go to the range tomorrow to see if I could repeat it on paper. but i have too many other thing to do this weekend. Maybe in another 2 weeks

Oh please note! This is what I am currently doing until read and learn something better or if someone can tell me what I'm missing or doing wrong, I'm still basically a newbie and learning too. Kind of sucks that there are no printed instructions and you have to do your own research after buying these things
