What did you learn today - Airgun related

Today I learned that buying pellets on eBay may not be such a great deal.
i was shooting way too many fliers and was thinking WTH. although I don’t normally weigh and sort pellets, I broke out the pellet scale.
Apparently an eBay seller buys lots of pellets and sorts them all out and keeps the good ones for himself and repackaged the losers to look new and resold at a great price $$
I had 10.3’s and two different types of 13.4’s mixed in the same tins….all way out of spec; as in too light or too heavy, 6 tins later I got the idea.
As I bought them 4 months ago…. Oh well.
still good for plinking.
From now on I’m sticking with the big box stores Or my most reputable trusted pellet sellers.
Today I learned that buying pellets on eBay may not be such a great deal.
i was shooting way too many fliers and was thinking WTH. although I don’t normally weigh and sort pellets, I broke out the pellet scale.
Apparently an eBay seller buys lots of pellets and sorts them all out and keeps the good ones for himself and repackaged the losers to look new and resold at a great price $$
I had 10.3’s and two different types of 13.4’s mixed in the same tins….all way out of spec; as in too light or too heavy, 6 tins later I got the idea.
As I bought them 4 months ago…. Oh well.
still good for plinking.
From now on I’m sticking with the big box stores Or my most reputable trusted pellet sellers.

Ya I used to get them on Amazon until a couple months ago. My last order was 3 tins that came to me looking like someone was using them for hockey pucks. Now I've been getting them from Pyramyd air and Airgun depot.
I buy 90% of mine from Pyramyd. If you make sure your order is over $150 and buy tins in multiples of four then it's almost impossible to beat their prices. I bought a bunch of Zan pellets from AOA during their Black Friday sale and a big batch from Bullet Central when they had a sale going on though. Occasionally there are some screaming deals going on that I don't want to pass up.

What I've noticed about people selling pellets on eBay or the classifieds is that their prices are nearly always higher than Pyramyd's once you factor in that free fourth tin and free shipping, so why do I want to buy somebodies questionable pellets when I can buy from a known good seller at a good price?
I buy 90% of mine from Pyramyd. If you make sure your order is over $150 and buy tins in multiples of four then it's almost impossible to beat their prices. I bought a bunch of Zan pellets from AOA during their Black Friday sale and a big batch from Bullet Central when they had a sale going on though. Occasionally there are some screaming deals going on that I don't want to pass up.

What I've noticed about people selling pellets on eBay or the classifieds is that their prices are nearly always higher than Pyramyd's once you factor in that free fourth tin and free shipping, so why do I want to buy somebodies questionable pellets when I can buy from a known good seller at a good price?
Well stated
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My lesson - what about other lessons learned?
Bought tripod on eBay on 1/27, e-mail stated arrived via USPS. No package. Asked longtime mail carrier, she stated no package was delivered to me. With tracking number and supervisor's help, mail carrier did GPS search and found another package, from same seller, was delivered to different address, with identical tracking number. Learned of scam where seller takes multiple orders but only processes/ships one, assigning that tracking number to all orders. When single package arrives all orders with same tracking number, reflect successful USPS delivery. Victims are left struggling with USPS for resolution while scammer counts the money. WM
My lesson is this, I'm a Leupold and Vortex scope fanboy......Guy at work purchased a brand new Vector Continental scope and after only shooting 20 rounds, he hates that it is MRAD and not MOA.

I offered 50% what he paid and we agreed on 60%........I gotta say, very nice scope for the money I paid!
So long as its not both MRAD and MOA I really don't care. Then again, I've got probably half a dozen scopes that are a mixture and they still function adequately.
I ordered a GX CS4 for my kid like a month ago on aliexpress & eventually got a a Fedex delivery confirmation complete w pic of wrong box at wrong door. It would've required a mastermind of billing and shipping misinformation to pull this one off. 🤔 Hmmmm...

I was reasonably sure that I was one of those d-asses you hear about. A victim of shopping cheap....yeah that's me.

Anyway, it's been long enough & I was mere hours away from going nuclear to the best of my ability on the seller. But the package arrived today.

What did we learn Palmer?
Bought tripod on eBay on 1/27, e-mail stated arrived via USPS. No package. Asked longtime mail carrier, she stated no package was delivered to me. With tracking number and supervisor's help, mail carrier did GPS search and found another package, from same seller, was delivered to different address, with identical tracking number. Learned of scam where seller takes multiple orders but only processes/ships one, assigning that tracking number to all orders. When single package arrives all orders with same tracking number, reflect successful USPS delivery. Victims are left struggling with USPS for resolution while scammer counts the money. WM
My lesson - what about other lessons learned?
This morning at 3:45 am I learned another lesson about scopes.
i had a few scopes that i bought second hand that had a tiny little tick mark on the bottom of the forward bell. Honestly I never gave it much thought, until now when I realized that this mark was the result of a previous owner mounting the scope too close to a pic rail, as in zero clearance! Thus when they tightened the scope down to spec, it pressed the bell into the pic rail.
obviously this is very bad! Hmmm?
Probably why they didn’t like the scope as this would certainly create challenges in accuracy and POA/POI issues if the scope was being tweaked.
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i was shooting way too many fliers and was thinking WTH
HAHA i had the same happen to me.

But in my case 2 tins getting mixed up as customs opned them and then did not seal them properly so when i got my parcel the 2 tins had mixed in the larger cardboard box.

But even if it was 10 gr JSB slugs and a tin of JSB pellets ( MRD as i recall )
Well it would seem my sorting skill, and fingertip dexterity and feeling is not what it use to be, CUZ i would be shooting MRD pellets and then once in a while get a shot that was OMG faster on the chrono.

But i did at least figure that out before i had worked my way all the way thru that tin of pellets.
There also was a few MRD pellets in the tin of 10 gr slugs i have to admit.

Also lately shooting Zan slugs i have gotten little slug like lumps of lead in the boxes, and if you dont feel it and load one and shoot it, you will get a OMG speed reading too from the chrono.
This is a new thing to me regarding Zan.
Going to my son's new place at the the edge of Joshua Tree in California. 3.5 acres so, of course, my guns are going with me. Loading the car I realized my equipment has increased in weight twofold since starting out 8ish years ago. How can they defy physics? I don't think it has anything to do with the fact I turn 73 this month, but then, what do I know about physics? 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
Today I learned that buying pellets on eBay may not be such a great deal.
i was shooting way too many fliers and was thinking WTH. although I don’t normally weigh and sort pellets, I broke out the pellet scale.
Apparently an eBay seller buys lots of pellets and sorts them all out and keeps the good ones for himself and repackaged the losers to look new and resold at a great price $$
I had 10.3’s and two different types of 13.4’s mixed in the same tins….all way out of spec; as in too light or too heavy, 6 tins later I got the idea.
As I bought them 4 months ago…. Oh well.
still good for plinking.
From now on I’m sticking with the big box stores Or my most reputable trusted pellet sellers.
I made a order at pyramyd air on the 5th using the least expensive shipping with amazon. It has been sitting in Wisconsin since the 5th with no movement or delivery date. I should of stuck with UPS ground, I would of had it already.
Going to my son's new place at the the edge of Joshua Tree in California. 3.5 acres so, of course, my guns are going with me. Loading the car I realized my equipment has increased in weight twofold since starting out 8ish years ago. How can they defy physics? I don't think it has anything to do with the fact I turn 73 this month, but then, what do I know about physics? 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
The weight of our guns has definitely increased massively from what we used to shoot back in the day, but I think that 75% of it is optics. Virtually nobody was using 5-25x56 scopes with 34mm tubes back in the day, but now they're fairly common. Most of my scopes back then were 3-9x40 or 4-12x40 and a 30mm tube was seen as big. Now a 1 inch tube is seen as small and I don't even consider 3-9x scopes.
I buy 90% of mine from Pyramyd. If you make sure your order is over $150 and buy tins in multiples of four then it's almost impossible to beat their prices. I bought a bunch of Zan pellets from AOA during their Black Friday sale and a big batch from Bullet Central when they had a sale going on though. Occasionally there are some screaming deals going on that I don't want to pass up.

What I've noticed about people selling pellets on eBay or the classifieds is that their prices are nearly always higher than Pyramyd's once you factor in that free fourth tin and free shipping, so why do I want to buy somebodies questionable pellets when I can buy from a known good seller at a good price?
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What I learned over the past several weeks is that FX has released at least three different Panthera Parts Lists - 2023-02-02, 2023-12-26, and 2024-12-26. For at least one part, X1-1, FX has apparently revised the part but has not revised the Part Number. This has resulted in multiple incorrect parts orders and much weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. The "correct" part is due to arrive next Monday - fingers crossed.
