What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

I received an epiphany. Try a larger front insert on my FWB 300 S for 10 meter off hand shooting. It’s like a weight lifted off me😁 I’m 69 but a newbie to shooting 10 meter rifle. I’m just a basement shooter for my own satisfaction but want to be as good as I’m capable of so this was a pretty nice discovery. I suppose it would be like using too much magnification with a scope up close but it just didn’t occur to me I guess. I have a lot of reading and shooting to do 😉
A new Ghost arrived just in time for the Holidays. There are a few CARM items on the way.
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Ordered an HW 77 T - .177 today. Used, I can't tell if there are any egregious scratches/dents anywhere. The AOA site allows NO increase in size of their images. Added 5 tins of pellets and the HW LDC. Be Well Brothers, Bandito.
What’s the T stand for. If you don’t mind me asking.

And congrats on the great rifle.
I ordered an inexpensive and cheap scope - they're different, I'm getting a bit of both. I heard rumors this one punches a bit above its class. CVLife 6-24x50 AO. As well as a swivel stud mount bipod, again cheap~ish, to see if I like shooting from a bipod. I will engineer any basic defects out of it. They'll be here Sarurday.

First rifle initially complete, second in the shopping cart: AEA Harpoon .50, short barrel configuration, with 4 extra carts. I'm not sure about doing the preorder. Don't have a clue about the lag time on fulfillment.
I'm wondering how you figure a "Cheap" item will give you a real intro to a type of device new to you? Not derisive here but wanting to know how others view this? Be Well Brothers, Bandito.

Great question, I might start a thread and ask for some others' input, as well as give my detailed reasoning! My short answer ...

Scope: I am familiar with optics use, cheap, mid, and high end, and have set my expectations with this piece. My understanding, from the reviews I've read, is that I am actually setting my expectation too low for this scope. I'd rather set expectations low and be pleasantly surprised, than set them high and be disappointed. I would definitely NOT recommend someone with no experience with differing qualities of optics, no experience with shooting, and having never fired any PCP before go the route I am. Because they will be frustrated fighting their optics, and blame the platform. I am new to Big Bores, and new to the M357. I'll check true with a bore laser, and am planning on 15-50 yards with this platform. I'm looking at that Harpoon for closer target shooting, and the Hatsan Piledriver for more distant shooting. The Hatsan will wind up with a bigger, better scope, the Harpoon will end up with a laser.

As far as the bipod. That I don't think is actually "cheap," hence my "cheap~ish." I'm not sure about the seat/cradle. To be clear, there were no complaints or negative reviews about the seat/cradle, including from those using them on higher power powder rifles. I may add dense pads to absorb some of the recoil, a relief for the swivel stud. The bipod is something I'm brand new to, and don't think I'm going to like on the end of my gun. But, I'm really trying to go into it with an open mind.

I can see from my words I am already approaching the bipod with a negative bias. Thanks @Bandito for helping me see that.

Words definitely matter!
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Well, I finally received the scope I ordered on the 28th of November today. The box that Wally world shipped it in was beat to heck and had had some kind of liquid leak on to it. Open it up and the scope box was fine even though old wally didn't put any packing around it. Opened up the box and found everything in good shape so I mounted it on my Liberty. Going to zero it tomorrow early as it just a little breezy out there right now. We'll see if the scope survived the beating it had to of took.
Just zeroed that new scope. Only took a few windage clicks to get it zeroed.😁
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