What did you order / receive airgun related today? Thread

you guys don’t post enough pictures

especially the gun Thats next for me
All I have is this garbage picture of a nice gun perched on a mediocre tripod that’s sitting on a dirty and cluttered shop table. 😁

Airarms UK are having a clear out of old stock, so I bought a couple of stocks (for future projects) for £25 each, one for an early Falcon prairie and the 2nd for an RWS LR20/25.....


The prairie stock was looking real dry, but has come up lovely following a couple of applications of walnut oil....



Last evening I made an AOA order for used guns. Snagged the 2 .22s I have been looking for. Someone already snagged the .25 Kodiak. You know who you are and so do I. Ha. Ha. I got the Diana 54 and HW 90. BOTH WERE GRAIL GUNS. And in a caliber I desired. And if that Kodiak doesn't like its new home I know where it could go, to me for the same price you paid including shipping. By Be Well Brothers, dito.
Wow impressed with the quality. I received my Donny FL Ronin and a thread adapter for my Hatsan Blitz. Yea! The Blitz is now backyard friendly! I've got great neighbors and I would like to keep it that way. They don't complain about the Blitz, but I know it's rather loud for the backyard. I'd like them to remain great neighbors so I have not been shooting my Blitz in the backyard, now I can. Shipping the SA 10 back to Pyramyd today I think I'll quit buying guns for a bit, they need accessorizing too! My Beeman 2028 is plenty accurate, I need to put a good red dot on it or break down and buy a decent pistol scope.
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Well I am still accessorizing. I have the oneleaf video scope on the Blitz currently, after adding the moderator all it needs now is wheels. :)
I have several PB's plus my PCP rifles which I am equipping with a pic rail to easily swap optics around. My old JC Higgins Model 50 is my reach out and touch a critter rifle it will be fun with the Oneleaf on it. I like .270 a lot. I am also setting up my old Savage .223, my bullpup Walther .22 already has a rail. I'll try both red dot and pistol scope on the Beeman my old eyes like magnification. Once I have the sighting dialed it's time for handle pulling, my brother had a healthy stash of large rifle primers, I was down to magnums.
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