What did you shoot today?

I shot the inside of my Impact's moderator, a the least a dozen times, because I drilled and or tapped the 1/2-20 hole crooked in my new carbon sleeve tensioning nut. It obviously took quite a few shots and constant fiddling with the scope (wondering why I wasn't on target) to figure out that I may have an issue somewhere else. In the end I returned the OEM shroud and moderator to the barrel and made a short tension sleeve to work temporarily there. It is not as solid as tensioning the full length carbon tube was, but it is better than floating on buna 70 o-rings coming out of the case.
Today shot the Hatsan 87 sniper vortex .25

Crosman GuideHawk .22

And Daisy model 717

Woke up this morning and it was -22C outside, at lunch it was -17C so i grabed my pp700s-a.22 that i have put a Diana scope on and needed to be zeroed, when i arrived at our cabin it still was -17 and windy... Wrapped my scarf around my head and set up a target at 25m, when i looked trough the scope i could not se the target, i thought it was the sun cause it was all white, hold one hand over my eyes and pulled the trigger, it hit the snow low to the right so i was gonna adjust the scope but i could not even se the turrets, thought i was going blind but it was my glasses that had frozen cause my breath climbed upwards trough the scarf and fogged the glas and then froze, wiped them of and now i even saw the target... Shot maybe 30 jsb hades and then returned inside the cabin where it was -12C and warmed myself with some coffe and a sandwich before hitting home to a warm bath, atleast there was not a single mosquito outside... 
...The wind sucked ...

I thought wind usually blows - or are you in the Southern Hemisphere?😁

After 3 days totaling over 7" of rain (unusual where I live) it was finally nice enough out to shoot today. Shot my 'new' DreamLite Compact.

At least during the rain I could continue the modification of my Dream Lite Compact. I had previously done a bottle conversion, so this week it started out as:


It has now morphed to this, and is much easier to shoot:


Unfortunately I found that it doesn't fold completely with this stock (hits the hammer spring wheel). Fortunately I had one of these on order:

Ace 308.1612050940.jpg

Beautiful sunny and still morning here today. A great day to shoot .177!

First out was the std power Red Wolf. Hadn't shot that gun in too long. Next, my wife's std power Wolverine. Just wanted to shoot that back-to-back with the RW. Up next the Brocock Sniper XR - my first 'high dollar' air rifle and also one which had been sitting in the rack for too long. Finally, my HP Pulsar - definitely in the top 3 rifles I own for accuracy out to 50 yards (and it didn't disappoint today either).

If we get another nice day tomorrow I'll pull the covers off the 50 yard backyard range stuff, and shoot some .25's and .30's, just because.😁


Diana 54 Air King Pro .22 cal. It's a beast to cock, but I am getting used to it. Found setting gun butt on small patio table helps. I'm doing pretty good shooting at small steel silhouettes swingers at about 50' offhand. The gun has enough weight to hold steady when standing.. CUrrently using the open sights, awaiting a scope mount.
Been playing around with my CO2 pistols from Crosman's Custom Shop. A 2300S carbine giving me 70 shots on a 12g bottle and a 2400KT reworked as a pistol with Walnut grips, TKO moderator, and a Crosman FFP scope. All indoor shooting as the snow falls outside; 8 yards for the pistol while seated and using a mono pod, 10 meters for the carbine off hand while seated using Williams open sights.

All this while waiting for delivery of a pre-owned Crosman PCP gun purchased from a member here. Hopefully that PCP will give me access to outdoor shooting again.

Cheers to you all!