Ditto but sub backyard for patio, and raise you a basement.

Eons ago shortly after working for uncle sugar in the USAF and I could actually afford buying a CO2 pistol. We had a nice long concrete basement in the townhouse we were renting. Pellets proved accurate enough that I learned most of the limited handgun skills I have back in 1980 with an airgun. Still shooting in the basement, and thanks to ear pro I am the only one in my house that does not have (or need) hearing aids! Still a nut for my PB guns as well, my best range time is when my good friend from Japan visits. I don't shoot much, but so enjoy watching him sample forbidden fruit. When I visited him at his office in Tokyo his targets were proudly displayed above his desk. Last time it was .44 mag, he was rubbing his right hand and smiling all the while in the car leaving the range. He called it the dirty Harry gun.

The guy can shoot! He learned pistol marksmanship playing video games. No handguns in Japan. Very few rifles and shotguns loads of permits required. I also love wrenching on guns and I am learning the ways of PCP's. THat's why I call it wrenching, I'm no gunsmith.