What do you like most about airgunning?

For me, it was the thousands of rounds of rimfire that damaged my hearing.
I’ve got a lot to blame on my high frequency hearing loss. First is hereditary, i remember in grade school taking hearing tests and not doing good . Oh you must have a cold was a response I recall. Guns from about 14 on but my mother tried to insist I use the ear plugs of the day. Going on to my work for 40 + years with chain saws and very loud diesel trucks revving
up to run the trucks. To top it off was my love for LOUD Rock + Roll . I couldn’t hear highs too good so cranked the treble and volume even higher. No wonder at my parties people would move to anywhere the stereo wasn’t
I shoot cans and spinners on the weekend. I really look forward to my trigger time. My shooting buddy and I have setup quite the shooting gallery. He lives way out in the country so going there during the week takes some planning.

I go to my club on the weekdays when I can get away with it. A fine German or British springer really puts me "In The Zone". When the weather is crap I will drag out a PCP but my trigger finger will always prefer a springer.

I buy a Mega Millions and a Powerball ticket once a week. My dream is to win enough to retire and shoot springers all day long.

Like everyone else has said, when I am shooting I feel very Zennish. I am "in the moment" and all my worries seem to melt away. We will shoot for four or five hours a session and it seems that the time flies away with every pellet shot. Throw in some good rock and roll or some bad ass 70's funk and I am happier than my fat cat surfin' the sunbeams.
Being able to shoot off my patio, don't have to wear hearing protection and not adding up how much each shot cost like I do with my PBs.
I've worried about shooting off a toe or finger but don't think my gun's are powerful enough to shoot off my patio! 🤪 :ROFLMAO:
I shoot cans and spinners on the weekend. I really look forward to my trigger time. My shooting buddy and I have setup quite the shooting gallery. He lives way out in the country so going there during the week takes some planning.

I go to my club on the weekdays when I can get away with it. A fine German or British springer really puts me "In The Zone". When the weather is crap I will drag out a PCP but my trigger finger will always prefer a springer.

I buy a Mega Millions and a Powerball ticket once a week. My dream is to win enough to retire and shoot springers all day long.

Like everyone else has said, wgo hen I am shooting I feel very Zennish. I am "in the moment" and all my worries seem to melt away. We will shoot for four or five hours a session and it seems that the time flies away with every pellet shot. Throw in some good rock and roll or some bad ass 70's funk and I am happier than my fat cat surfin' the sunbeams.
I would have to buy one of those tickets to do any of that. If I did win, and big, I would probably move closer to my son and sister, and go down the rabbit hole with some PCP type guns, Get a good compressor set up and I could shoot with less physical strain.
enjoy the fact i can shoot in my backyard 60 yards and have no complaints from neighbors
cheaper than my powder burners just as accurate imo
no more reloading just start the compressor fill a couple tanks and i have a week's supply of air.
i like the adjustability and different projectiles that can be shot from the same gun.
to me its relaxing takes my mind off everything else.
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All the hot women involved in the hobby... :ROFLMAO:

I just always enjoy niche type hobbies that push boundaries. Even with fishing, I enjoy my BFS reels. They are limited just as airguns are limited in application. I live in an area where I can stand in my yard and fire off PB's all day long if I want, but just enjoy shooting airguns. I also enjoy that they are relatively unknown among shooters, especially the 'Fudds' out there who may scoff at them until they see what they can do.
Just about every aspect. I mainly hunt but, like fishing, even a slow day has calming, Zen things about it. I love learning new stuff & being able to help my fellows here if I've gained knowledge & experience with things that can help. It's been about so much more than I ever expected or could have hoped for. Makes me HAPPY!
EDIT: I wanted to add; there's something really fulfilling & comfortable about holding & using a finely engineered & crafted piece of equipment that reliably & consistently does what it's designed to do with all the parts smoothly & solidly working in tandem with each other. It makes it a work of art, not just a tool.
Very well said .
Some of your posts had me thinking a little deeper on the topic...
I've always owned and rode some type of 2 wheeled vehicle. For the last 20 years or so of the adventure was Harley. Never joined a club but I have ridden with them along with other non patched riders. Everything in my life at the time revolved around riding. A few years ago I had a total reverse shoulder replacement that didn't turn out well and left me with a limited range of motion and strength in my left arm. It is enough to take me off the bike and I sold it. in 2019 we bought 2 atvs and they filled that void until the cost of spending weekends at atv parks after retirement limited those adventures.
Enter airguns... I've had airguns around here and have been coming to these forums since 2013 and airguns have risen to the top of the pile of my "drugs of choice". I don't foresee that EVER changing.
I was the same way my whole life. 2 wheels, dirt bikes, street bikes (500,000 miles on the street) bicycles both road and mountain. Had to give up the street 5 years ago when I moved off grid I live 5.5 miles up a unmaintained dirt road. I still have dirt bikes but haven't rode either of them in close to a year. I like airguns because I love learning about new things. I love to figure out what makes them tick and see if I can make them better. I can shoot 1 all day and it's costs me little to nothing. No electric bill and I cast my own projectiles. I could shoot PBs right off of my porch all day long where I live but I hate the noise and the expense.
I like Airguns because I’m into precision shooting. I shoot center fire rifles out to 1000 yards frequently.

Shooting a tiny, slow moving pellet at 50 yards requires the same fundamentals and principles. Everything is just scaled down.

PLUS there’s no noise or recoil…and you can do it your backyard! What’s not to like?

On top of that squirrels are my favorite animal to hunt. The challenge of an airgun ballistics adds to the fun.