What do you shoot at

I shoot a lot of targets at 30-40-and 50 yards, Depends on the wind, (west Texas) I also shoot a lot of little dime size caps as pictured, The little red caps come off insulin syringes,
I will also pick up old brass and shoot, Them things zing sometimes, Little plastic Amy men from the dollar store, 100 come in a bag cheap,, Any kind of pill bottle filled with water, sand, cloth, just about anything, Used shot gun shells, shoot them at the very top and I have had them fly 30 feet in the air, I give up shooting marbles to much glass on the ground
anything the wife is about to toss and is hard plastic that I can stick a target on, Trained the wife to ask you want this to shoot, LOL. Old keys hung on a old 2x4 make crazy bends
I can't shoot any candy or cereal on my target range , My horse goes crazy and destroys my shooting range , Tacks are fun but a problem with them on the ground, Any nut , NO NO not you!!! The little texas round pecan that is not worth cracking to eat is a blast , They explode, seem the birds get them before the horse ,
My 50 yard backstop is railroad ties its the best, 40 yards is thin metal 3x4 with rubber mat and cardboard clipped on for paper targets to stick to, I replace cardboard often ,
30 yards are three big 4 foot x 2 food homemade bird, squirrel , and varmint feeders , With 50 LBS of grain put out 24/7 to feed my pet squirrels song birds and the pest that I shoot.
I could post pictures of all this crap,. oops I mean good stuff , If you really want to see it,, I should have titled this 20 years of air gun shooting , Its more like 48 years but 20 years hard core in the sport and all that stuff,,,,LOL
Just picked these up, going to go play on Monday. Been punching paper for the last several years, when I was waiting on my Zeus to refill a few weeks ago I decided to shoot like I did as a teen just to take a break so I threw out 3 soda cans and did some homemade reaction shooting. The cans didn’t last long getting knocked around with my Leshy 2 and GK1 so these are the soda can replacements


I used to drink a LOT of beer. High end, high alcohol content micro-brewed ales from bottles. I usually tossed the caps in a plastic bin because I liked the designs they had printed on them. So I have thousands of them. These days, I am a teetotaler.
Anyway, they make a great target. I simply mash one into my 4" diameter duct-seal backstop and hang it on a garden hook.
My favorite target is 2" splatter targets, i think it is a reasonable size for the distances i shoot at them at ( 100 and 134 yards )
Make it so you do NOT hit the target every time, which i like CUZ if you did that, why bother shooting.

Closer and i shoot at much smaller things, but even way out at 134 yards i will also shoot at holes already made in the sheet metal plates down there, and by now they do also look like Swiss cheese on steroids. And in spite of the sheets there now are actually the 3 or 4 ones,,,,, and i am running out of them.
Mind you a hole punched in a old rusty metal roof plate, it do get a bit larger than the .177 slug that was fired, and often the hole are not round.

A most beloved target is flies CUZ it is like putting a shot in the same hole, which are by no means easy out past 55 M and extremely rare at 134 yards.

IF it is a lot of wind, and Denmark always have wind, then i do not shoot, but if the gusts are down around 6-7 M/s ( 13 MPH ) and the AVG wind a little lower than that, well i am game.
My range situated so the predominant wind here ( westerly ) is Left to Right.

Tomorrow for instance is pegged for 15 M/s or 35 MPH winds in the gusts, so while i do go the the range i will be cutting firewood for the shot shed oven come winter.
Sunday however is why i will be bringing my rifle tomorrow.
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My wife finds some really nice targets online and prints them out. They have varying sized bulls on them which keeps us working harder on mental focus.
We also set up spice bottles (no glass) or "nip" bottles.
The other day the wife was in the dollar store and found some little bottles of non toxic paint and cheap foam board to make "spatter" paintings.
Uh, yeah, we can get pretty crazy with our shooting fun!
All of this is done at no less than 50 yards.
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Little green army men, toy dinosaurs and safari animals, shotgun shells....

Outlaws at 25


"Pimples" at 70


An old stainless bowl at 90


We set up the 1/10 size shillouettes, dinosaurs from 1/2"- 4", .410 and 12ga. shells, stainless condiment cups, propane camping cylinders, stainless coffee tumblers and super balls. All at different ranges from 25-90 yards.
We shoot mostly cocktail picks, dressmaker's pins and paintballs. We used to try and find the smallest possible cocktail picks, but now instead use any size we can get cheap, and we 'whittle' the big ones down. Some can take 5-6 shots before completely disappearing! Then we shoot the stick down in maybe 1/2" increments. Neat thing is that you can get holiday themed cocktail picks to keep your weekly airgun group shoots interesting.


Paintball targets can be 'seasonal' as well. Just this week on the day of our shoot it was 'National Pancake Day'. We use the smaller .50 call paintballs. Before and after views of our target:


With glue and toothpicks (and some time) you can make biodegradable targets pretty much as small as you like.

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Has anyone experimented with odd shape targets?

Most of the things we shoot at are generally circular. At least easy to judge center mass. They are good aiming points.

Others are a lot harder to hit.

The toy dinosaurs are a great example. A triceratops is easy to hit. He's a fat dot. A tyrannosaurus is hard to hit. He's a triangle. Even if the T Rex is much bigger.

A shotgun shell laying horizontally or standing is easy to hit. Laying at an angle much more difficult.

Color is a big deal too. I hate bright yellow 20 ga. shells. I can hit .410 at 25 yards one after the other. Put a yellow 20 GA out there and watch me spend 50 cents trying to hit it. Spray it flat black and you can't miss it.

Instead of round sticker dots I cut square ones in half diagonally. Lots of colors oriented differently. It was very difficult to get a good pattern aiming at any of them. And aggravating as hell when shot at individually.
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