I'm probably about to pre-order one. They have .50 (.495) shipping first, then .510 and .457. I'm thinking .457 because I already have that ammo, and like Hillary Clinton says "at this point, what difference does it make?!"
13" in total length. $639.00 ... about 200 fpe and you get 1 magazine (6 shots) shooting hot, then another magazine at well over 100 fpe if you for some reason needed it.
So yes we know the HP Max platform has some issues like, #1 you need to get the right size slugs. Not a hard one. And you shouldn't need that many because this isn't a target shooting gun. #2, the valve pins can sometimes break. Myself, having replaced an HP valve pin before, it takes 10 minutes and the replacement costs $30 so I'll just keep an extra on hand.
Like I said I'm just thinking about preordering right now even though I said I wouldn't buy any more airguns. I might have to sell a couple shiny rocks to make up for it and keep my wife happy. She's gonna like this though
I've owned a bunch of AEAs and still hold onto two of them (Challenger Pro .30 and HP SS+ .30) so I pretty much know what to expect. This is kind of a game changer though in the compact arena. What do you think?
No I don't work for AEA or Bintac I just really like what they come out with especially on my budget. Bin Lu and his guys like Jason and Pete have always been 100% on top of any issues I have, very helpful and because of all that I prefer dealing with AEA now.
13" in total length. $639.00 ... about 200 fpe and you get 1 magazine (6 shots) shooting hot, then another magazine at well over 100 fpe if you for some reason needed it.

Bintac M50Pistol With 5"7"10"Inches Barrel Option 457,50,510Cal | My Site
B&W M50C 457,50,510 Cal Bolt ActionReddot is not included,Rear Stock is an option Order Will Have One M50 Pistol Two Mags One Fill Probe One Muzzel BreakMuzzle Velocity: .45 CAL 235Gr Up to 200 FPE .50CAL 235Gr Up to 200 FPE .51 CAL 235Gr Up to 230FPEMagazine Capacity: .457 CAL 6 Shots .495 CAL...

So yes we know the HP Max platform has some issues like, #1 you need to get the right size slugs. Not a hard one. And you shouldn't need that many because this isn't a target shooting gun. #2, the valve pins can sometimes break. Myself, having replaced an HP valve pin before, it takes 10 minutes and the replacement costs $30 so I'll just keep an extra on hand.
Like I said I'm just thinking about preordering right now even though I said I wouldn't buy any more airguns. I might have to sell a couple shiny rocks to make up for it and keep my wife happy. She's gonna like this though
I've owned a bunch of AEAs and still hold onto two of them (Challenger Pro .30 and HP SS+ .30) so I pretty much know what to expect. This is kind of a game changer though in the compact arena. What do you think?
No I don't work for AEA or Bintac I just really like what they come out with especially on my budget. Bin Lu and his guys like Jason and Pete have always been 100% on top of any issues I have, very helpful and because of all that I prefer dealing with AEA now.
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