What driveway dinger?

I tried the Harbor Freight device, over this past weekend, and it was a complete and utter fail. Now I got to go back and hopefully just get a refund. To get there is another city in another county.

> 6vdc input to run it off of a wall wart transformer - total fail despite trying several different transformers.

> 400' range? ha.
I couldn't get it to respond across the rear of the house, at 25', clear open eyesight from sensor to receiver.
It would not respond in another direct line of sight from perhaps 100' away when I tried it on the front of the house, as a driveway dinger, and with an object as large as a moving car. In this instance, I mistakenly thought that it might be able to broadcast signal that distance, and through a single pane of window glass.

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Not sure which HF unit you tried. Most are referring to the $9 battery operated dingers when they talk about them.
One of the things with setting them up is the height at which they are placed. The sensors are directed at an angle below horizontal. The higher you place them, the more coverage you achieve.
Like everything else from harbor fright, it's a crapshoot on what you get.
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That's the same one I have. Never tried it with a transformer. Haven't had any issues with it talking to the base, either, with it placed in a metal workshop.
I can't remember what the recommended height for the xmitter is, but I had to do a little finagling with it to work. It wouldn't pick up a family of raccoons at 20ish feet. I had to raise it up a little higher and mount it tipped back before it would trip. The larger the target, the better it did. I did notice it had a somewhat slow response time.
Most people seem to put it pretty close to the target zone when chasing rats due to their small size.