I was never allowed to have one as a kid, mom said "you'll shoot your eye out", pop said "your old enough to shoot real guns now", however my friends had lots of BB/pellet guns and I shot with them a LOT, a yellow tube of bb's was a dime or quarter I don't remember but it wasn't much and one of us always had enough for some, this was in the 60's. After the Navy in '77, I had a few pellet guns for a few years, multi-pump Smith&Wesson, went through 2 of them, and one or two crosman multi-pump guns, these were not bad guns for their day but I didn't take care of them and in late 70's moved to a place I couldn't shoot, I guess they ended up at the dump. In 1999 moved to Tennessee in the country and put up blue bird boxes on our property. One day, right in front of my wife and myself an English Sparrow killed an entire brood of blue bird nestlings, I declared war, (just ask my wife!) I got an RWS .177 break barrel don't remember the model but wasn't a bad gun, in fact I liked it (air gunning) so much I sold it to a neighbor and bought the "best" air rifle I could find, pre-google, happened to be a Rapid 12 .20 from Steve at Pomona Air guns, had to order it from across the pond, talk about a long hard wait, Steve was very patient with my questions and I still have that gun, sparrows didn't stand a chance, more than once I took 'em out in the hole or just the head sticking out, beginners luck I guess choosing the Rapid because I didn't know anything about them or PCP's period, first day out a friend of mine shot a 5 shot 7/16CTC group, was in 2004, didn't get another PCP until 2017 FX Wildcat Mk1, now I don't have room for all I have, and I have a Daystate Wolverine r .177 with a Forestor stock in the mail from AOA, should be here Friday, I'll find a place for it.