What happened to the BSA lightning XL?

Heres mine, had the GRT also and was very accurate but cocking cycle was pretty stiff so traded it. The XL is as accurate as my TX200 and alot easier to carry around, bluing is exceptional also.
Sorry only pic I have of it right now.

Run and put it in Forest! I love it when things break my way. Seems like a fine gun from England at least for the most part. It's like car companies that collaborate from my experience they don't always lead to more efficiency or quality. I'm building a Diana AM03 in .22 up at the current moment. Shooting around 750 fps. which is just fine for me. The trigger will be the key for me. I get all excited anymore when I shoot a gun with a really fine trigger release. I'm starting too ramble, good luck......
About the nicest stock BSA ever put on a springer. I never found a nice used one in .177 that didn't have a gacked stock. I'm picky. Trying not to buy any until I sell some first anyway because I have too many. I've been saying this for 3 years and only sold one. Only bought 2 this year. A new HW50 .177 (I rarely buy new) and a Theoben Sirocco .22 (CAN'T buy them new). I couldn't help it.
I might trade a BSA prewar or Stutzen RB2 for an XL...... we'll see.
My BSA Lightning GRT is very frustrating; love the feel of it, the size of it all; But it is not accurate, tried all the tricks,many different pellets and fixes.
Searched online and found out that the ones that are inaccurate stay inaccurate.....
I admit it is very hard to give up on such a fine feeling air rifle,yet I have put enough time in it,on it and towards it that it it put aside for now.
Good luck and remember to google the information on it....bottom line is that it shouldn't be a game of chance.
My BSA Lightning GRT is very frustrating; love the feel of it, the size of it all; But it is not accurate, tried all the tricks,many different pellets and fixes.
Searched online and found out that the ones that are inaccurate stay inaccurate.....
I admit it is very hard to give up on such a fine feeling air rifle,yet I have put enough time in it,on it and towards it that it it put aside for now.
Good luck and remember to google the information on it....bottom line is that it shouldn't be a game of chance.
the one I had was very accurate after I did the trigger screw mod on it, before this I was lucky to shoot a inch group at 20 yds.. afterwards it would shoot 1/2 in 5 shot groups at 32 yds, it was very pellet picky.. I would of kept it but had a very stiff cocking cycle felt harder to cock the my RWS 48.