Sheridan started making air rifles in 1947. .20 caliber or also known as 5mm. Started with the “A” model. Then “B” model. Both rare. But the later “C” model is what most recall when talking about a Sheridan. Benjamin bought Sheridan in 1977. They stayed in Racine Wisconsin, and made very minor changes to the original “C” model. In around 1991 Benjamin Sheridan changed the “C” model to a “CW9”. Then a couple years later Crosman bought Benjamin Sheridan and moved to Bloomfield, New York. Crosman made a trigger change and to ”CW9”. So my question is this.
What is a real Sheridan?
Some stick to the original C model before the purchase from Benjamin. Others up to the CW9 remake. Many call any of the .20 caliber (5mm) pumpers a Sheridan. I am in the last camp because I like to give credit to the caliber more than the features. Crosman discontinued the 5mm caliber around 2008. It is an American caliber that is incredibly accurate. Underrated. To me, any 5mm American made pumper regardless of company ownership, is a Sheridan. Top picture is the original “C”, middle “CW9”, bottom ”CW9” (new trigger) borrowed picture
Side note: I have owned them all in one variation or another. My personal favorite is the Crosman CW9. I think the more adult sized Walnut stock and gorgeous nickel plating is spectacular. The added butt pad and white line spicer are a nice touch also. The Crosman version was improved by robotic soldiering of the barrel the receiver. The trigger unit is a bit more difficult to get really nice but once known how is achievable. And it has a hammer “guide rod“ C added to the receiver cap making the cocking cycle much smoother. This was before Crosman did their notorious thing of ruining a classic action e went on. Now they are all discontinued. FWIW.
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