N/A What is considered the “best”

If money was no option (within reason - meaning not $10k) what are the best high end springer/nitro piston air guns? I’m not looking for an Olympic gun but rather a traditional or semi traditional rifle that would be good for a mix of target and hunting.

I purchased my first pcp which is a Ghost HP but I also want to have a really nice piston gun.

With these things in mind, what do you recommend?
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If money was no option (within reason - meaning not $10k) what are the best high end springer/nitro piston air guns? I’m not looking for an Olympic gun but rather a traditional or semi traditional rifle that would be good for a mix of target and hunting.

I purchased my first pcp which is a Ghost HP but I also want to have a really nice piston gun.

With these things in mind, what do you recommend?
#1 HW97 #2 TX200 #3 HW 77 I have and shoot all three , for me the 97 is easiest loading , TX is next and i find they both are Equall and the 77 long is a bit heavier .
I like underlevers as the barrel does not move .
Stan in KY .
EDIT ; .22 alleviates the loading fat fingers .
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I have a HW90 piston break barrel. It is accurate, powerful, and can be left cocked for a long time without in degradation in power. It has a great trigger and is relatively quiet with the HW suppressor. The power is adjustable by regulating the air pressure in the piston. I have mine at 18psi and that is great for the ty[e of shooting I do.
A "Really nice" springer? What comes to mind...cost not withstanding...with in reason...A few examples...If you HW (Weihrauch) the world HW's with you, (nothin' wrong with them) But when you Theoben you Theoben alone!!!
If money was no option (within reason - meaning not $10k) what are the best high end springer/nitro piston air guns? I’m not looking for an Olympic gun but rather a traditional or semi traditional rifle that would be good for a mix of target and hunting.

I purchased my first pcp which is a Ghost HP but I also want to have a really nice piston gun.

With these things in mind, what do you recommend?
Pick your flavor of high end side/under lever anything that the barrel isn't hinged imho. If the barrel has to move, I'm fond of my buddies benjamin trail npxl which I believe is discontinued
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IMO the best all around piston gun is the Sig ASP20. Great power, very accurate, easy to shoot, very easy to cock, relatively quiet, and a very good trigger. Problem is they're discontinued so unless you get lucky in the classifieds or ebay... phhbt.

Its already been said so I wont mention the Theobens but dang are they beautiful. Same issue though discontinued.

The 97k is an amazing gun just keep in mind the weight of those things. Not everyone wants to lug around a nearly 10lb rifle all day. They're great for at home shooting and FT though.
Hw95. Great all around gun. Lots of parts support. A have 4 different 95 family guns in three calibers. I recommend 177 for 20 if accuracy is your prime concern. 22 if you're pesting bigger critters like coons or ground hogs. Even then you need to be close.

If you're looking for light hearted fun, the Hw30 can't be beat. You'll giggle like a school girl and mow through pellets like you won't believe.

Underlevers are too heavy for me to consider for traditional hunting
IMO the best all around piston gun is the Sig ASP20. Great power, very accurate, easy to shoot, very easy to cock, relatively quiet, and a very good trigger. Problem is they're discontinued so unless you get lucky in the classifieds or ebay... phhbt.

Its already been said so I wont mention the Theobens but dang are they beautiful. Same issue though discontinued.

The 97k is an amazing gun just keep in mind the weight of those things. Not everyone wants to lug around a nearly 10lb rifle all day. They're great for at home shooting and FT though.
WOW, 10lbs?!? That’s nuts…what is it made of neutron star matter?! It’s a sharp gun but that might be a little too much! Even 8lbs is up there….

I mean I’m not going to be tracking through the mountains with it so weight isn’t that important but jeeze
It all depends upon what you want to do. For 10meter target go with a FWB 300s, easy to cock, smooth and incredibly accurate. Longer range sport/hunting I like my FWB 124 and the Sport. The smaller HW models like the 35e are great, I hear positive comments about their models 35 and 50. Others I have like the 77. 97. 98 and 95 are bulkier and heavier.
WOW, 10lbs?!? That’s nuts…what is it made of neutron star matter?! It’s a sharp gun but that might be a little too much! Even 8lbs is up there….

I mean I’m not going to be tracking through the mountains with it so weight isn’t that important but jeeze
Yeah theyre hefty guns all scoped up. My FT 97K is pushing 15 lol. If you're really just planning on benching it and doing some target practice theyre pretty great though. That extra weight really helps tame the recoil. If weight is an issue, HW95 like MyCapt said!
I like the idea of the HW90 but $315 for the pump to change the power?! That’s kind of crazy!

HW97 looks really sharp and isn’t that much more than some of the other. Looks like a winner to me!
I have never changed the pressure in mine. Never needed to because it works just fine the way it came from AoA.
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WOW, 10lbs?!? That’s nuts…what is it made of neutron star matter?! It’s a sharp gun but that might be a little too much! Even 8lbs is up there….

I mean I’m not going to be tracking through the mountains with it so weight isn’t that important but jeeze
There is no need to change the pressure in the HW90, for its 33 J it shoots perfectly. There is no other rifle on the market that is as powerful and accurate. The Theoben spring will always warm your heart.
If money was no option (within reason - meaning not $10k) what are the best high end springer/nitro piston air guns? I’m not looking for an Olympic gun but rather a traditional or semi traditional rifle that would be good for a mix of target and hunting.

I purchased my first pcp which is a Ghost HP but I also want to have a really nice piston gun.

With these things in mind, what do you recommend?
Don't forget the HW98 which is a dressed up 95
for a all around gun.
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I have a Beeman R9(HW95) in .22, which is my primary hunting airgun. With a good scope you are still in the 8lb range. I also have an HW50S Hunter with moderator in .177, and I have taken squirrels with that one too. Very accurate, and with scope in the 7lb range. Then I have a Beeman R7(HW30S), in .177 and as others have said it is just delightful to shoot. It is easy to burn through a tin of pellets because it is so easy to cock. It is the smaller of the three, but it fits me really well. The R7 can take birds/rats out to 25yrds, but it lacks the energy at that range for tough critters like squirrels. The good thing about the German Weihrauch made Beemans and HWs is that they are still being made and there are plenty of parts available.
I too like the HW95, its reasonably light, as accurate as you make it and comes in multiple calibers. I have owned one in .22 and currently own the .20 which I really like a lot. I have some PCPs with scopes but wanted something that didn't need all the extra support equipment. Theres something about shooting a springer, almost Zen like.
