What is everyone seeing for age of airgunners lately including yourself.

Demographic momentum and vulnerability.

Young people are less vulnerable even with a lot of cash/credit on hand to go buy every new air gun that hits the shelves....elders think to themselves "I'm not taking this money with me so might as well spend it".

I am younger, and have been into airgunning since my 30's. I have much more important things to spend money on than airguns, so I am much less vulnerable to marketing. I have a lot of disposable income, but that income is better spent elsewhere to increase my quality of life...

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Quality music instruments run well into the 1000s.

I've had my fair share of guitars and amps. They're just like air guns though, the guitar or airgun picks you, not the other way around. Many of those guitars are long gone because no matter how cool or how pretty, if it doesn't "feel" right, it isn't meant to be yours.

$2500 on a daystate rifle is a ton of money, but that's just getting your feet wet with a vintage les Paul or fender. Neither of which I still have. I had custom shop Jackson soloist that were 3k a pop, but as I got older my hands said nope to those super thin necks. Now I play Dean's almost exclusively.
i hear ya , i have been in the music game for 55 years , & spent a small fortune on guitars , amps pickups , pedals, speakers ect, a while back i had 48 electric guitars, over 30 amps, & drawers full of after market pickups , pedals, tuners ect, now i mainly play BC RICH BICH'S, & Carvin V 3 Heads & 4x12 marshal cabs , & thru all of that had the the hotrod muscle car thing going, wish i had most of it back, i have a couple of old Dean gtrs.
The guys in my group are all late 50's into 60's as far as age.

Most have been, or currently still racing 1:1 Race cars, my wife and I did it for 32 years,
The expense of that hobby dwarfs what we have in air guns, plus we are home for the most part instead of working a full time job during the day, then going to the race shop until God knows when every night, all to load up on Friday to travel to the next race...

The Off season we all raced RC cars, Large Scale (1/4) since 1984.. so yeah we are all speed junkies that now shoot high end air guns.

The bottom line today is the economy itself; I have seen it destroy the RC car world, and the road the air gun manufacturers are headed down with the ever increasing, bloated price, I am afraid the bottom will fall out of the air gun world sooner than later..

Just 1 old man's perspective.....
I am not going to mention then, that the smoothest guitar i have tried to play with was a Ibanez.
And i have tried a few Fenders in their different shapes, not least the V one, CUZ when i was young and beat on skins, there was really just Rock ,,, HEAVY Rock for me.
I've been at it a while.

Here's the same Strat, at the Ponchitoula Strawberry Festival 1978.

I also have two Ibanez's.
A JS, and an EX.

I got rid of everything Gibson that I owned except my 57 Telecaster that came with a Gibsom PAF. Pickup on it. Lol.
Here in Western Wisconsin, the local gun clubs are really doing a good job attraction the youth. Of course, deer and duck hunting is the big thing here and most dad's belong to the large number of local clubs. These clubs have youth trap leagues for high school kids and hold periodic youth days at their ranges to allow kids to shoot everything from rimfire rifles, shotguns for trap, archery, and even tomahawk throwing. Most kids want to take after dad, so it's quite popular. Airguns are still regarded as BB guns and there's little interest unfortunately. For urban kids, there's nothing and that's too bad.
I'm 70 and there are no other air rifle users in my family. My 45 year old son shot for a while but dependable air resource (PCP) and an undependable Omega Super Charger compressor destroyed the fun. We both got rid of our PCP because of that.

Now I'm seeing what appears to be some pretty decent compressors for about 25-30% of the cost of the Omega (GXC4-I) that may get at least me back in. My TX 200 springer has been keeping me a bit interested for a few years since the sell off of my Steyrs which I loved.